Chapter Sixteen

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“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” 
― Elbert Hubbard

~Demi’s POV~ (Finally)

Alison is planning something and I know it, Angel because the girls were whispering at dinner. They always looked to see if anyone heard them, god damn they are good at whispering.

“Well I guess dinner is over.” I said, Alison turned her head to me and gave me a look that said, ‘I know what you’re thinking, I’m getting it.” She was obviously thinking of the cake too, so I sighed and Alison went to the kitchen with Angel.

“Thank you for the dinner Demi but I think I have to go now.” Alison’s mother, Denise said. I nodded and led her out of the doorway.

“You sure you don’t want any cake?” I said when she stepped out. She nodded and waved goodbye. Well more cake for me. I walked back and took my seat next to Cynthia, I looked around before leaning in to her ear.

“The girls are planning something.” I whispered, I pulled back and she rolled her eyes.

“Oh Demi why do you always suspect everything. Remember that time you thought John was evil?” Cynthia said, yeah well long story, back in my teenage years I thought one of the people on staff was evil and was out to get me. I was proven wrong of course.

“No I’m serious this time, I know Ali like the back of my hand.” I said, Cynthia again rolled her eyes.

“Yeah ok Demi.” She said, I huffed and grabbed one more piece of fried chicken, oh how I loved how crispy it is. I dipped it in barbeque sauce and began to eat, right after I finished it Ali and Angel came back giggling.

“What are you giggling about? You better not have ate any of the cake or I swear-“ I started to say but was rudely cut off.

“Demi!” Cynthia said, I pouted sticking out my bottom lip. Why was I being babied? Ali set the cake down and the smile returned to my face. Duh it’s cake! Alison cut the cake and set pieces down, giving me the biggest piece. Oh how I love her, he knows me so well.

I dug my fork into the cake eating the fudge heaven. Alison also brought some Oreo sprinkles and icing. I put all that on my cake, and I quickly ran to the kitchen and opened my secret drawer, grabbing the m&m’s, I ran back and dropped it over my cake. Yeah this was normal for me, I love food.

Once we were all done with the cake, Cynthia said she was leaving.

“Hey mom can we please stay over? Please please please!” Angel begged. That’s cute and now I want it to happen.

“Yeah Cynthia stay over!” I said, she turned to me and smiled.

“I would but I have some things I have to get for the tour, Angel could stay if you’re ok wi-“ Cynthia began to say but Alison and Angel ran up the stairs.

“Thanks!” They yelled, I laughed at Cynthia and she laughed as well.

“Well I shall leave now.” Cynthia said, I nodded and we walked to the door.

“Just call me if she misbehaves.” Cynthia asked, I rolled my eyes.

“Cynthia, there are no rules here.” I said, posing stupidly, again I earned an eye roll and a chuckle.

“Seriously Demi,” Cynthia said, I nodded.

“Of course Cynthia, I said, I hugged her and she left, well now what?

~Alison’s POV~

I got out my large poster board, markers, rulers and stamps. Time to start planning, I got out some Pjs and threw them at Angel. I got out a hoodie and some pajama shorts for my self. I changed as did Angel, then we removed our makeup and put our hairs in messy buns.

“Ok first we have to sneak into Demi’s room and get the tour bus map, and the maps of the first two spots.” I said, Angel nodded. 

 ''I'll go'' I whispered to Angel.

I sneaked up in Demi's room and saw Demi downstairs eating that cake. I giggled and I went to go get the map.

I feel so secretive and such a...badass. 

I get into Demi's room and I was in awe, her room was so elegant and just beautiful.

I snapped out of my ''wow'' stage and found the map. I smiled, that was easy.  turned around and to my horror I heard footsteps and Demi's voice. 

"No I want an extra large fudge cake by tomorrow." Her voice echoed, it was getting closer. Uh oh if she sees me with this map in her room she'll figure it out. Demi is no idiot. I looked around fast and ran into her bathroom, there was a robe closet, I went in and let out a breath. I could still hear Demi, she walked into the bathroom. 

"I want it at 5:30, please include extra vanilla icing." Demi said, she had head phones in so she set her phone on the sink. She began removing her makeup, and tying her hair. 

"Yes I'll pick it up, k bye." Demi said, turning off her phone and she unzipped her dress and got into her robe. She threw her hair in a messy bun and noticed a stain on her robe. 

"How is there a stain on my robe- oh wait i had cake in the bathroom yesterday." Demi said, she bagn walking over to the robe closet and m y eyes widened. 

"Pink robe now..."Demi said, her hand touched the handle and I prayed to Jesus at that very moment. 

"Demi! Can I eat this cake?" I hear Angel yell, Demi's eyes widened and she ran out of the bathroom. 

""NO DON'T LAY A FINGER ON IT!" Demi yelled, I let out the breath I was holding and opened the robe closet and ran out of Demi's room, oh my god. i shoved the maps under my bed and ran downstairs, this planning will have to wait. I haven' been this scared since I saw Carrie with Demi.


No cliffhanger for you guys. So thoughts on the new cover? :D 

Anyways what do you think will be their master plan? 

What cake should Demi order? 

Am I the only one who finds it cute that Demi is so into cake? 

Love you all, Little Nightingales. 


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