Chapter Six

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~Alison’s POV~

I got home and saw Demi come down all ready. I wondered if she had to go somewhere, otherwise Demi would be stuffing her face with popcorn watching the ID channel, completely makeup free in comfortable clothes. I would soon join her but now that she is eating some chocolate pudding in ripped black skinny jeans and her hair all done I knew we would not see Deadly Women, it’s a shame I loved that show.

“Are you going somewhere?” I asked Demi leaving my bag in the closet near the door, I’ll just get it later. Demi looked up from her pudding and smiled.

“No we are.” Demi said, eating the rest of her pudding and throwing it away. I furrowed my eyebrows, ok I’m glad I’m going somewhere with Demi but where exactly. She told me to get ready fast, so I ran up stairs and  threw on a quick outfit. A pair of disco pants and a shirt that said GEEK. I left my hair the way it was but touched up my makeup. I’ve been experimenting with makeup lately since Demi bought me so much. I looked down and saw my scars I slipped on my watch and some bracelets. I put on some sneaker wedges and ran down to meet Demi at the front door.

“Let’s go the cars here.” Demi said and I saw Max sitting in the car honking for us to hurry. We ran out of the house, Demi had to lock it so I ran and sat in the car waiting for her.

“I’m here, I’m here.” Demi said opening up the car door and sliding in next t to me as Max started to drive. I know its been a week and a half after I met Demi but I can’t help but fangirl every time she sits next to me/.

“So where are we going?” I asked Demi, she had her signature smile on her face.

“It’s a surprise.” Demi said, shoving her finger against my lips as I started to protest. I impatiently waited until we got there, silently scolding myself for not bringing my iPod. My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I felt relief knowing I bought my phone, but not my head phones. I face palmed and decided to check who texted me.

Will ;)

Want to hang out tonight? Xx

My heart sped up and I smiled madly at my phone, luckily Demi was staring out the window at a dog happily trotting down the sidewalk as the owner desperately tried to teach it to roll over. I rolled my eyes at the stupidity but Demi was laughing and bothering Max to look over and see it.

“Demi I’m driving.” Max finally said snapping. Demi pouted and crossed her arms as the light turned green. I giggled at Demi’s behavior. I looked down at my phone and typed a reply.

To: Will ;)

Sure what time?

I waited for a reply and seconds later my phone vibrated.

Will ;)

Tonight at 8ish meet me at the Starbucks near school, we can get some Starbucks and hang at my place. X

To: Will ;)

Sure x

I smiled at my phone and turned to Demi who was staring at me weirdly from my exchange on the phone. She then gave me a look saying “spill now.” I sighed and started to tell her.

“Me and my friend-“

“My friend and I,” Demi interrupted, and I rolled my eyes.

“My friend and I are hanging out tonight and I’m really excited.” I said, smiling as Demi gave me this look. What?

“No boys.” She stated and I kind of panicked. I was never a rebel; I never defied anyone or anything. Ever since I met Demi I started to lie a lot and I’m not proud of it. Am I showing my true colors? A spoiled brat who only disappoints everyone?

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