Chapter Twenty-One

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~Alison’s POV~

 “Time for class!” Demi said and I groaned. I was ready, I put on some black shorts and a random t-shirt. I had no time for makeup so I left it clean and I had my hair in some type of bun, that was somewhat messy.

“Let’s go.” I said and Demi took her hands from behind her back and gave me some coffee from Starbucks.

“I got up early so your day would be better.” Demi said and I smiled at her.


“Hey I’m your teacher. Just call me Alyssa.” The woman said, she sounded high. I was next to Angel and some other kids who were sons or daughters of cast people.

“You do realize you’re not allowed to do drugs in front of us right?” Some kid said and we all laughed.

“I’m not on drugs.” She snapped and got 5 text books and gave it to each pair.

“Read chapter 1 and for homework you will do the essay at the end of the chapter. Now excuse me” she said and walked out of the room.

I got up from my chair to the front of the class, and looked out the door. No where in sight. I cleared my throat and went to the board.

“Ok since she’s a crap teacher. I am Alison Davis, 16, not on drugs.” I said and smiled.

“Ok what are your names?” I said and the boy up front got up and stood next to me.

“I’m Alex, 17, not on drugs.” He said and sat down, and then everyone introduced themselves.

“We should just leave.” Alex suggested and we all nodded. Angel was glued to my side after the 5 minute class.

“Alex is realllllllly cute.” Angel whispered and I looked at her wiggling my eyebrows.

“Oooo Angel go get some.” I teased and she slapped my arm. I looked back and so did Angel only to see Alex wink at me.

“Oh my god he winked at me.” Angel said and I smiled, maybe he did wink at her. They would be so cute together; ok I have to make this happen.

“Demi is going to be so perfect tonight.” I said.

"Same I'm just so proud of Demi and she's not even my mom." Angel said while giggling. 

"....Hey, um are you over....Drew? You don't have to answer I was just wondering" Angel asked.

"It's okay! I'm over him, I'm not going to let some boy tear my heart" I said, waving it off.

"Good." Angel said while smiling.

It's night and Demi is just about finished with the show tonight and Angel and I were finished with our dinner from the diner and we went back to the hotel. I wanted to be at the concert tonight so badly but Demi said that I had to go to sleep early for school tomorrow, which sucks. 

We both go back to the tour bus getting ready for bed. 


Angel came out of the bathroom. Finally and I went in and brushed my teeth.  I came back out and I was checking my phone constantly, waiting for a text but I didn't know who from. 

"Why are you checking your phone a lot?" Angel asked.

"Wha-What? I'm not checking my phone a lot." I said while smiling.

"Are you waiting for someone to text you or….?" she asked.

"No." I murmured, shoving my phone back in my pocket.

"Well turn off your light and go to bed because we got school tomorrow." Angel said.

"Okay one minute." I said checking my phone again. 

Why was I checking my phone a lot? 

And then it hit me.

I turned off the lights to let Angel sleep and I grabbed my phone and ran to the bathroom.

I sat on the floor and opened up my phone and there it was, a picture of Drew and I.

I stared at that picture long and hard and tears starting falling from my cheeks and onto my phone.

As it turns out....I wasn't over Drew.


 Heyyyyyy! Thanks for reading.  Updates are now on Fridays. :) Once a week. Because I am working on another book as well. It's on my other account.  It's a Luke Brooks Fan Fiction, *melts* 

Oh it's me Talia! Not Dai meh.....

Anyways if you love Luke Brooks comment below so we can fangirl.  Check otu my other account Imagine_With_Talia



Did I just say that? 

Only for you guys :)

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