Chapter Seventeen

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~Alison's POV~

"Then we get back to point X like we didn't do anything." I whispered, circling the classroom which is called point X. 

"Ok now we need to name the plan." Angel said to me. Wait what the heck>? She must have seen the look on my face because she rolled her eyes. 

"When we talk about the plan on tour do you want to say, 'let's do the plan where we get rid of our teacher.'" Angel said, well she does have a point there, so we sat and tried to think up a name for this plan.

"How about we say 'I need the bathroom' when we want the plan to get started." Angel said, I nodded and then scribbled my suggestion for the plan name. 

"Plan Bitch." I said with a smile. I turned towards Angel who rolled her eyes. 

"Ok fine, but I'm tired as fuck and it's 1 am. Goodnight." Angel said. climbing into her sleeping bag, wait no it was just a mattress with cuddly blankets I set up for her. My phone began vibrating, and I hurridley got it, it was Drew.

What is he doing calling me so late? 

"Hello?" I said into the phone. 

"Hey Alison." Drew said, he sounded awake? I don't know it's like it's a fresh early dy and he's happy. 

"Why are you up so late?" I asked. 

"Why are you?" He countered, I rolled my eyes at his childness. 

"Answer the damn question." I said, wow Ali you are so sassy.I tried to flip my hair but that didn't work out because my hair was in a bun. 

"I was out with a friend and..." He said, I rose a eyebrow. 


"And we had a lot of fun, so I just came home." He quickly said, I went over to my bed and got under the covers. 

"You must have had a lot of fun with him if you came back so late." I said, giggling a bit at how wrong that sounded. 

"Yes I had fun with her." Drew said, I stopped laughing. I hated the way he worded that and what is he doing out with a girl so late? My blood boiled with jealousy. 

"Her?" I questioned. 

"Just a friend." He said, well that didn't make it any better. 

''You sound drunk Drew, but what's her name?'' I said.

‘‘Doesn’t matter babe, but I want you here in my bed right now,'' Drew said.

''DREW! How many drinks did you have? You sound like you had plenty and I don't like the sound of this.'' I whispered into my phone, Angel turned her head to me and cocked and eyebrow

I went to the bathroom and my heart was about to fall out. 

''Drew answer the damn question!'' I yelled quietly.

''I just had like...a couple, you know? Like 5 6 or 7?'' Drew giggled.

Drew sounded cute when he's drunk, but I snapped out of the trance. 

‘‘Whatever, but what did you do with this girl?'' I asked.

‘‘We just got a couple of drinks that's it, babe you sound jealous.'' he said.

''I'M NOT!'' I screamed in anger.

‘‘Well you sound jealous, I call you tomorrow, bye Ali,'' Drew said and he hung up the phone. 

I looked in the mirror.

I'm not this jealous girl, I shouldn't be this jealous person to my own boyfriend.

I couldn't believe that Drew even had the audacity to call me drunk and told me about this ''girl'' that he hung out with tonight. I'm not his person that he could talk to after he had a ''fun'' night with this stupid girl. I'm his girlfriend not his teddy bear where he could talk to me when he's drunk. I had the biggest headache ever, and I just wanted to make it go away.

I opened the cabinet and I took a aspirin. 

I sighed to myself and went back to bed.

15 minute later and my phone vibrates again, but it's a text message.

I open up the text message and it says ''I'm so sorry Alison, I shouldn't have gotten drunk tonight.''

I smiled that he apologized but it wasn’t enough for me. I’ll make him explain tomorrow, I’m too tired now.  

“We’ll talk tomorrow.”

Good enough right? At least he’ll fall asleep.

“Love you Alison.” I read the text, cute but that isn’t going to make me forgive him. I sighed and grabbed my forehead.

I mean at least he said sorry. Right? No sorry isn’t enough, I still felt pain and one word isn’t going to make it ok. I just hope nothing happened tonight.

Wait how is he even able to drink? We’re only 16.  

Probably got some cheap wine from his new parents or something,  I threw my phone on the bed and went to the bathroom to do my business.

I come back to a bunch of messages, and my phone keeps vibrating.

I smile, thinking it's Drew sending all these ''drunk text messages''. 

I opened up my phone and opened up the texts, but this time it wasn't from Drew, it was from an anonymous person, and my jaw dropped. The tears started forming in my eyes and it didn't stop. The first drop hit my phone and I just couldn't believe it.

''Your boyfriend was doing a lot of ''fun'' stuff tonight'' The text reads. 

There's a picture attached to it and it was Drew....and...Samantha kissing. I dropped my phone, and it felt like my heart broke in half...



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