What Do I Do

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Title: What Do I Do
Genre: Genderbender, Romance
Character: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

Drinking at the nearby bar, Tiffany drunk herself all throughout the coldness of the night, leaning at the countertable she watches people dancing on the dancefloor with her friends joining the crowd she silently tears up when her mind occupied by the thoughts of her former lover break up last year and she herself couldn't move on. Another shot of whiskey and her mind goes hazy, a little bit tipsy it may seems, she drunk it one shot before her eyes turns heavy due to the alcohol that taking its effect, the image of Kim Taeyeon suddenly envisioned her mind, they broke up in a more harsh way talk back carelessly to each other, clenching her hand turning into a fist, she couldn't imagine that the former would brought up a certain issues about her past lover, Nichkhun, her first love because of immature jealousy and insecurity through Taeyeon's perspective as a man, how she regretted comparing the both of them that made him looked small like a useless piece of shit, jobless and depress. She was also at fault but her ex was the worse, seeing him with another woman, Jessica, his childhood friend back at Jeollado. She didn't let him to explain himself to her and throwing some hurtful words that she knew that would stabbed him alot, she's too proud of herself to let down her fucking ego for someone who didn't on her level, she's a professional, a bachelor's degree taking law while he was only a hardworker with a kindness of heart that every women would surely fell for him being a gentleman. Now she was there thinking deeply while drinking the night, lost, confused and messed up piece of shit, he loves her so much that he would do anything for her, she's totally changing to another person who blinded by money that she couldn't imagine herself she would do such things, looking down to someone with a disgusted face.

"We're done, I'm too tired, Tae. Let's end our relationship this way." Those words still ringing inside her, haunting her, words she spatted into him before she walked away from his life. Sje wondered if she didn't said it would they still together happily. What if? She passed out after a shot still thinking the same regret through her head.

Kim Taeyeon became a successful model internationally with Jessica by his side, his bestfriend, manager and someone who could he leaned on at rough times. They made it on this way, Jessica helped him but nothing else goes between them because they both knew their boundaries, the latter already dating someone, a common friend, Choi Sooyoung and he was happy with her that he always thinking of a person who cause his heartbreak and left him on the rain, hopeless and helpless but he still love her. He would glad at least see her for once, a beautiful face he used to see everytime he wokes up in the morning, cuddling together were their most favorites, he recalls how they oftenly shared intimate sessions with Tiffany, how their bodies worked well with each other that they we're made of each other. He smiled by the thoughts but something pained him inside, her bullshit ego, how he wished that Tiffany will get back into her old self not a present Tiffany who was thinking only herself, money and fame includes and how he wished that night never happened. She's being absurd for most of the times that she oftenly stress out and yelling at him when she got home, he hardly understand her way but he dealt with it even its difficult for him. A sudden tapped on his shoulder snapped him out from the thoughts, seeing a cheerful Jessica behind telling him to prepare for another photoshoot that would bring home the bacon, he generously followed her shrugging off the thoughts of a certain Hwang Tiffany.

Destiny brought them together when Taeyeon's agency put into a deep pit that troubled all of them, they needed a professional lawyer that would defended them against one model who sue them with a groundless accusations, choosing the best out of the best none other than the famous Hwang Tiffany. At first, they're too awkward with each other around not even a word slipped from their mouth, only a simple greetings worked on them, Tiffany whose ego was as high as the skyscraper on the Seoul City initiated the first ever move with Taeyeon, unfortunately there was Jessica sticking by his side made her rage that she wanted to pulled her hair immediately. Despite of the worst situation, they still made a closure with each other by the help of Jessica, she trapped them inside his home one night when the culprit called Tiffany that the former was caught into an accident that the woman immediately runs forgetting that she was in the middle of her court case but doesn't care at all, driving her way at his penthouse.

Months passed they finally reconciled and bring back their friendship into a good shape, Taeyeon asked her out again taking baby steps and Tiffany gladly accepted it without a second thoughts until he sweeped her off to the next level, marriage.

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