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Title: Miss You So Bad
Genre: Romance, Angst
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

Everytime I opened my eyes, I realized you're not here anymore by my side, in our bed, I'm going crazy missing you all the time. I missed your contagious smile, your arms wrapping around my waist, your voice humming into my ears and your kisses into my lips, sometimes I felt you're still here with me, but the realization always hits the jackpot, for the 3 years we had shared all of them turns into waste because of a small fight, a childish one. I'm getting tired of being lonely when the sun was nowhere to found above the sky, I always let myself drown into liquor and waking up with a terrible headache, one time I felt your whispering into my ears giving a tingling sensation, I love how your always around, making love was still our favorite game or more like a good habit but now I felt cold every night that's how I misses badly your touch and warmth, my body perfectly molded into yours while my kisses was fitted to your soft ones. I walked through my huge window, watching every droplets of rain pouring down heavily, I remember how you love the rain because it's the time you had the chance cuddling with me, spending time lazying in my soaking with cum bed after we reached our climax, baby. Today, was a slow days of my life, two months without contact was mostly killing me inside, fuck my pride for not telling how sorry I am when we fight that night, I reflect into my behavior, the pain was surprisingly unbearable nowadays hoping that I woke up I will see you watching me opening my eyes but it felt like a nightmare when you're nowhere to be found inside our room. You took my heart with you, I wonder how are you now, do you already find someone else to fill your loneliness or are you already moving on after our painful break up, I'm sorry for being a plain jerk, I wanted to make it up to you, I hope that you're still staying in your old apartment because I will take you back again here, in my empty heart.


"T-Taeyeon? What happen?" Tiffany stuttered when her former lover appeared in her doorway soaked under the rain hanging his head low like a lost puppy.

"I-I miss you so bad, Fany-ah. Mianhe~" Taeyeon cried as he was ushered inside by the woman he's been missing throughout the empty phase of his lifecycle.

"Wait here I'm making you a hot chocolate, we will talk after." Tiffany was wearing her ex-boyfriend oversized jersey shirt made Taeyeon smile a little, she's still smoking hot through his eyes when her hips swaying as she walks.

"Gorgeous." He mumbled.


"Here, drink and don't forget to change your clothes, I prepare a spare of your shirt, wait here." After Tiffany handed the hot drink, she made her way inside her room leaving Taeyeon shivering.

"Here." Tiffany handed him a spare of his own shirt that the woman still kept inside her cabinet in case he had slept over her place. They shared an intense eye contact but the woman looked away and slumped herself in the couch leaving space between them and without a warning, Taeyeon stripped infront of her ignoring the fact that Tiffany was there watching but he didn't care at all.

"Yah! There's a bathroom there, Taetae!" Tiffany covered her eyes made the former smirked and slowly crawled towards her.

"Don't be shy, you seen alot of them when were doing that inside my room." Taeyeon whispered seductively into her ears made her shivers before the former pinned her into the couch, laying her back gently as he showering her kisses right into her neck down to her expose shoulderblade.

"Mmm... T-Tae..." She moaned in response when his cold lips came in contact into her neck as she biting her lips when he bites the sweet spot.

"I-I'm sorry baby I was at fault, I miss you so badly that I spend sleepless nights." Taeyeon confessed as he devouring every inch of Tiffany's gorgeous body.

"You're already forgiven baby." Tiffany hissed when she received unbearable pleasure from her lover.

"Thank you baby." Taeyeon lifted her up into a bridal style before proceeding inside her room.

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