One Last Time

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Title: One Last Time
Genre: Romance, Angst
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

Cold winter nights, strange faces, blinding city lights, a lone woman walking with no directions with both hands on her winter coat pocket, her sad eyes blankly staring to nowhere while her weak body bumping to strangers walking by in the cold pavements of Seoul downtown. Her heart was empty, no inspiration like a walking dead, she had no one else but herself alone leaving her empty apartment with no one welcoming her. For over the years, she couldn't see her brighter future not after her parents passed away and left her, not after her friends distant from her, not after her girlfriend leave her with someone else, not after she got fired by her wicked old hag boss but with her savings she build her own small company. She had no one else with her but her old creepy doll named Jack, her cute little puppy Ginger and his son, Zero.

"Are you looking for something?" A husky voice startled her as she looked at the owner standing infront of her.

"I'm looking for a companion just for tonight, I need someone to talk." She didn't hesitate on her answer, just out of the blud and she had no idea. Her words felt desperate but she didn't care at all as long as there's someone who will listen at her pitiful story.

"C-Companion?" The voice asked.

"Yeah, I know I sound desperate but really I need someone who will listen to me." Taeyeon started as she hang her head low avoiding the curious gaze of the voice owner.


"Oh, yes boss?" The girl named Yoona appeared as she finished her repacking gifts on their shop.

"Can you take over the shop for awhile I need to take care of something." The boss informed as her employee nodded.

"Sure thing boss." Yoona salute with her beautiful smile.

"I can accompany you for awhile." The stranger offered as she put on her coat and left the shop in Yoona's hand.

"Huh?" Taeyeon was puzzled by the offer coming from a stranger.

"You said you need a company so I'm free for a moment if you need to share something, I'm all ears besides its Christmas, why don't I share my time with someone in need, right?" The woman said flashing her eyesmile as she walked beside Taeyeon.

"Thank you." Taeyeon smile.

"By the way, I'm Tiffany." The woman offers her hand in a friendly manner.

"Taeyeon." The short woman answered showing her shy smile.

"Let's take a walk." Tiffany offered.

"How about your shop?" Taeyeon asked as she don't want to bother someone whose still on her working hours.

"Nah, don't worry my friend will take care of it for me so?" Tiffany looked back at the fidgetting woman who looks awfully cute in her eyes.

"You don't have to, I'm sorry if I blurted out my nonsense thoughts with you." Taeyeon felt guilty and ashame of herself for burdening someone.

"Just think of me as a friend for tonight so shall we go now, Taetae?"

"Taetae?" Taeyeon wondered with her knitted brows as she cutely tilted her head made the woman's heart melt.

"Your name's too long besides it's kinda cute for you, you look like a cute little puppy!" Tiffany cheered.

"Ooppss.... Sorry!" Tiffany realized her words as she immediately covered her mouth in embarrassment for calling her a puppy but she looks like one though.

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