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Title: Arrived
Genre: Romance, Angst
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

"Are you fucking serious? I saw you sleeping with her in your bed and you're saying it's out of sympathy? Maybe your enjoying yourself sleeping with your ex again, Tae? Answer me." Tiffany yells through the whole apartment of hers glaring at her calm gifriend who kept her mouth shut but there's so many words to say.

"Don't you believe on me now? Are you really won't believe at me now? For a good 3 fucking years we spent together, are you telling me it's only just a game for me, Tiffany Hwang? Out of million girls throwing themselves at me, I still had a choice and I chose you!" Taeyeon said in her calm state not wanting to add fuel into the burning fire. She speak on her outmost sincerity that she and Jessica was nothing but a friend comforting each other in darkest times, they've been together for a great one year after the blonde woman breaking up with her because of her career in States.

"Answer me, do you still love Jessica?" Tiffany spoke with her trembline voice once she calm down abit but tears already forming in her eyes.

"Of course, not! You're being ridiculous here, Tiffany? What are you talking about loving my ex?" Calling out her full name was a sign that Taeyeon's patience was running out.

"Now, I'm being ridiculous and your not? What a kind saint you are now?" Tiffany mocked rolling her eyes into her but Taeyeon holding herself back to fought back from her soon-to-be ex next to Jessica.

"Maybe we can call it off for today, I'm getting tired with this and your still not in yourself now, we'll talk when your in the mood." Taeyeon grabbed her coat from Tiffany's couch searching for car keys and walked out leaving the fragile woman who burst into tears seeing her girlfriend left with a loud bang of the door.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU KIM TAEYEON! YOU FUCKING BITCH!" She yelled through the door throwing her stuffs all over the living room making a huge mess.

"I FUCKING HATE MYSELF FOR LOVING YOU TOO MUCH!" She continue letting out her frustrations as she lifelessly walking around her messy apartment talking to herself.

"I WILL FUCKING DIE IF YOU REALLY BREAKING UP WITH ME TONIGHT, I'M SERIOUS YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Tiffany looked over at her phone on the side table and waiting if her girlfriend would at least call her and decided to break up with her until her eyes landed on the neatly wrapped pink gift given by Taeyeon today.

"A PRESENT?" She wondered and hesitated to open the gift but decided to look inside in curiousity.

"A pink knitted scarf? Is she serious?" Tiffany eyed the item inspecting every inch of it when a letter drop. She open the paper and recognized the handwritten of her Taeyeon.

To my stubborn soon-to-be wife,

When we first met, I know I'm being such an asshole ignoring the beauty infront of me offering her own handkerchief to wiped away my tears after my stressful breakup but instead leaving my side, she stay with me until no tears left in me and follows me until I reached my doorstep, worried that I might kill myself all the way. I saw her glistening eyes filled with love and ckncern that I never saw in any women I've dated before and today I'm convinced that she's really the one for me and with this pink knitted scarf I made by myself, I gladly wrapped her with me forever.

Your future wife,


After reading the sincere letter of her girlfriend, she burst into tears and felt guilty for thrashing out her jealousy and anger to the poor midget who only thinks of her while making the knitted scarf that she knew how lazy ass Taeyeon was and no effort to make those kind of stuffs that would make her patience run out. She pushed the comfy scarf and burying her face into the softness of the pink fabric sniffing the aroma scent but suddenly her body has mind on itd own when her foot running outside the already closed doors and stop when she spotted Taeyeon 5-meters away from her doorstep, standing outside holding a bouquet of pink tulips but expressionless since they fought awhile ago. Taeyeon didn't noticed her presence and decided to stare blankly at the flowers on her hand while her eyes fixated to each petals while counting on them mindlessly. She walked closer into Taeyeon's spot who leans on her black Porsche boxster that she bought together with Tiffany.

"YAH! YOU PABO, WHY DON'T YOU LEFT AND BREAKING UP WITH ME? WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?" Tiffany tested her girlfriend of she will left for good and never coming back.

"Huh?" Taeyeon brought back into her senses when she heard the familiar husky voice of her girlfriend.

"I said why are you still here?"

"I'm thinking of breaking up with my girlfriend tonight." Taeyeon said coldly made Tiffany gasped in surprise, she wasn't prepared for it and thinking she's only joking around.

"T-Taetae?" Tiffany held her chest not wanting to hear what will she said next. Please don't breaking up with me. She prays silently like a mantra.

"I'll breaking up with you."Tiffany's hope crushed in an Instant when she heard it loud and clear.

"N-No d-don't do this to me. I'm sorry Taetae!" Tiffany begged with her crying eyes shaking Taeyeon's shoulder.

"I'll breaking up with you and making you my wife instead." Taeyeon continued and a smirk appears from her teasing lips.

"I HATE YOU REALLY!" Tiffany slapped her arm while Taeyeon laughed holding her own stomach seeing her pleading looks made her love Tiffany even more than she expected.

"I love you baby and God, I never breaking up with you never!" Taeyeon pulled her girlfriend into her embrace as she plants soft kisses into her lips.

"Much better I love you too baby boo."


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