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A group of children whose age is 4 years old we're busy doing their own things, playing, scribbling, teasing, running and talking non-sense except for one girl wearing blue shirt and boy shorts is totally focused in sketching something on her drawing book when a pink dress girl approached with a lollipop on her mouth. The girl made some mistakes on her sketch but her eraser is nowhere to be found so she's frustrated, a small tears welling up but a hand with pink eraser on her hand shows in front of her eyes, she look at the girl whose offering what she needs to erase a certain mistake but hesitating to take the offer until the eraser pokes her nose, gesturing her to take it. Finally, she took it and the other girl flashes an eye smile that mesmerize the other one before she carefully erase the unwanted sketch on her pad but to her disappointment the kind girl already leave her without returning the thing she lend.


A high school art genius is on her way at the art club, she stepped in front of the empty art room and fixed her things so she could start her artworks, more minutes had passed and the piece we're near to its final touch until an awful mistake made by her carelessly, she search on her big pouch settle at her foot but she didn't found an eraser until an eraser hits her head harshly made her looked behind from where it came from but to her disappointment, only a figure of a girl wearing a pink sneakers hiding behind her own canvass focusing on her work. She scoffed but luckily she had the eraser with her.


As a college art club president, she's in charge of taking care of the upcoming exhibit that her schedules almost packed for a whole month, she's exhausted and gloomy after a certain break up with her girlfriend who cheats behind her with a guy who unfortunately a campus player. She wants to ease all the frustration on her mind and focused at the said event but to her disappointment, nobody could took the pain away not unless she date or have a one night stand but she's not kind of woman so she spends a night without sleep, losing an daily appetite and worst losing interest on art as well made her professor's expectation down low.

"What unlucky day, why does in many days I  had my umbrella there's no rain comes and now, seriously? It's raining hard and I left the umbrella at my house." Taeyeon said to herself with a major disappointment made her kick the wall beside her.

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