All Night [Holiday Sequel]

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Title: All Night
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89


After a drink or two, I dragged Tiffany in the middle of the dance floor made everyone cheered for us when we saw us throwing our hands in the air swaying our body into the rhythm, I swiftly wrapped my arms into her waist while she encircled her arms around my neck, we felt heated at the moment that I wanted to make-out with her right on the spot filling up the longing for my ex-wife but after what she did at me, I think I'll play hard to get so I loose my arms from her and I check out my phone from vibrating earlier and saw a message from my girlfriend, Jessica. I excuse myself so I could reply with her, I went back to the balcony when suddenly somebody dragged me by my waist and landed to someone else arms, my eyes widen in shock but instantly felt relief when I figure it was Jessica, my blonde girlfriend, I've been dating her for a few months now and my ex-wife didn't know about us but I let her flirt me awhile ago, well revenge took the best out of me.

"You're drinking without me?" She asked furrowing her cute brows, I wanted to pinch her cheeks but I hold myself.

"I'm drinking with someone while you're not yet here but now, I feel like I wanted to drink with my beautiful lady right here infront of me." I saw her cringed from my sweet talk so she gently pushed me away before she tucked my hair behind my ears, she honestly said that she likes my big ears and sometimes she nibbled, sucked and played with it when she wanted while we're cuddling.

"Smooth mouth but doesn't work for me now unless it will used for something useful down there." I loved how she talks dirty now but before I responded, my ex-wife showed up behind with confused look because me and my girlfriend standing infront of each other. Well, Jessica knows her since I tell my bittersweet lovestory to her before we started off as friends and she's fuming in anger knowing how blind Tiffany was when she chooses the freak guy over me.

"T-Tae? W-Who i-is s-she?" Tiffany asked and I saw how her expression turned into 180 when Jessica lean on me to capture my lips and in surprise I step aback while my eyes wide open making the blonde laugh at me, guess I wasn't used from her boldness.

"Oh, I'm Jessica Jung, her girlfriend and soon-to-be loyal wife! Hello unfaithful ex-wife!" She smirk when she watch Tiffany's burning from anger and jealousy. She hit the jackpot and it made her feel guilty towards me so I wanted to break the awkward atmosphere around us.

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