What If

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Title: What If?
Genre: Genderbender, Angst, Romance
Character: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

A/N: I dedicated this to the girl I used to love way back on my college days because I was only gay for her yet she got herself a boyfriend and still I couldn't get over her for almost two years from now. I made up some part of the story out from my imagination especially at the wedding part, she has a cold aura opposite to Tiffany's character here but the plot remains, I'm wishing she regrets choosing him, I knew I'm a coward dumbass and this is our unfateful story. I wrote this pieces when I'm listening to Missing You by John Waite (Warm Bodies OST).


I'm waiting patiently for students to arrived at my new school's front gate, I sat at the bench as I fixed my things because it was my first day here since I raised from a province of Jeonju and the life city was too unfamiliar for me but I'm not scared to live by myself. Suddenly, a beautiful girl caught my attention as she approaches me, I couldn't speak when she asked me because I was too focused studying her features especially her eyesmile. I saw her offered her hand infront of me that I easily made friends with Tiffany but from her cheefulness, she seems scary when she get mad that it makes me shivered sometimes but who cares I love it so much so we spend our days together. Days become weeks and we were too inseparable that we become bestfriends, I started to fall for her day by day that occasionally I give her gifts and even birthday surprises, she loves it. I get easily jealous everytime when someone caught her attention though I don't blame her at all because I'm only her bestfriend, I became possessive towards her and she didn't like it that soon she distance herself from me. Few days passed, I heard she dated someone else, a man I knew I never get a slim chance to win her heart and I cried every night thinking about her. I went to school with a swollen eyes but I tried to cheer myself to forget everything, I'm disappointed and mad at her that I sometimes choose to ignored her but as much as I do, I couldn't stand it anymore and quitted when I reached my third year since I excused myself saying that I couldn't afford to finished my last year and I don't want to make her blame herself for what happens to me. After I quit, I immediately find a job and slowly forgetting my love for her, soon I confessed to her through text message and she accepted me for being a bisexual since we're bestfriend, I also heard she said yes to him after I left her and fuck I couldn't lie that it's still hurt inside yet I couldn't blame her that she's straight as a ruler.

Years passed I'm still missing her sometimes that I smile bitterly at myself that I couldn't get over her so I spend my days writing stories about I love and happy endings ironically because I'm a brokenhearted person who doesn't believe in happy endings. One day, I silently sat at the bench as I waited for a bus, searching for a good music I found the best that fits my mood today (We don't talk anymore by Charlie Puth) I turned the volume higher as I feel the vibe until a tapped on my shoulder snapped me out from my reverie.

"May I sit here?" The woman asked me politely after I took one of my earphone out so I could respond her and nodded.


Years became lonelier when Taeyeon walks out from my life, I misses the times when we're together that I didn't felt with Nichkhun, my boyfriend. I was too surprise when she confessed at me after a year she left me alone, I'm hoping she message me but she didn't but still I waited patiently like how she always does , I remember the times she waited for me for almost six hours because she wanted to walked me home so I could be safe and the times when she waited for four hours because I promise that we will spend time together but unfortunately something came up and I told her to go home but still she insister to wait calmly. Whenever we fought, she's the first to apologize even though I was at fault, she takes care of me because I'm far from my family, she made me laugh and safe when I'm with her. We grew strong attachment between us that we mistakenly addresses as a couple that gossips about us spread throughout the whole campus and I didn't like it so I distance myself from her that she was a virus even she didn't admitted her feelings I felt it but I shrugged them off and we still remain as bestfriend since I don't want to take it further beyond that and I regretted it bitterly now. After years, I received a wedding invitation from her and it made my heart clenched when I saw how happy she was with someone else while I'm here thinking about what if's.


On 22th day of July, Tiffany arrived at the church where Kim Taeyeon will happily marry with Jessica Jung. She scanned through oceans of people until she spotted Taeyeon who talks happily with the guests, she approached her as their eyes met, one filled with sadness and regret while the others filled with love and happiness. Tiffany took the chance to hugged her tightly for the last time, Taeyeon accepted them.

"I'm glad you came Tiffany. Thank you very much."

"Congratulations, Tae." Tiffany smiled bitterly as she took Taeyeon's hand with her.

After the wedding, all the guests arrived at the reception even Tiffany who was still out of herself, Taeyeon noticed the tears from her so before she approached her, she didn't forget to inform her wife Jessica and kissed her and dragged Tiffany outside the reception so she could settle things with the latter.


"I realize that I love you Taeyeon more than a friend that I wanted to have you in my life." Tiffany finally cried while hugging Taeyeon who looks not pleased with her sudden confession not with her wedding day.

"Sorry Fany-ah but I already move on with you and I was grateful that you love me but for me as friend because I love my wife Jessica so much, she gave light through my darkest days and stayed by my side through my broken days. If you didn't exist I wouldn't find Jessica and because of you I find the missing pieces of my life." Taeyeon confessed made Tiffany's heart shattered painfully.

"What if I didn't let you go? I'll be the one marrying you instead of Jessica, right?" Tiffany said bitterly as she grabbed Taeyeon's collar suit but her hands immediately yanked away.

"I suffered too much that I nearly killed myself and regretted loving you because you didn't love me back but now that I finally living the life that I want, you will show your face and ruined it. I hate you Tiffany Hwang and I really do! From now I will cut the thread between us because I don't want you to ruin my happiness with Jessica. Sorry my wife needed me!" Taeyeon walked away from devastated Tiffany.

"I wonder what if you let me in your life, will I be happy with you?" Taeyeon thought.

"Taengoo let's dance." Jessica hollered.

"What if I didn't meet Jessica, can I smile like this? Can I feel loved and secured? Can I moved on? Now I realized how much I love Jessica so much, thank you Fany-ah." Taeyeon happily danced with her wife shrugging the thought of Tiffany.

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