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Title: Toothbrush

Genre: Genderbender, Romance

Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany

Author: chocomint89

Last night is one of wonderful nights I spend with someone whom I never knew, I was dancing in the middle of the cheering crowd at the dance floor when she bumps into me and grind with me but I damn I loved it when she sway her hips infront me giving me a seductive look as she shamelessly encircled her arms into my neck and kissing me, intruding me and didn't let me to utter a words when she forcefully drags me away from the messy dance floor and made our way into the dark empty alley where she had control over me. She hungrily get back into her business together with my mouth and my walls immediately breaking that made my knees become jelly with every moves she made into my body. After a few minutes of making out, she lead me on her hot pink Ford GT 2016 and command me to drove us into her apartment which is a few blocks from this club and obviously I obey and it feels like I'm a pro racer and managed to keep ourselves safe into her front door, we couldn't wait for the right place that we stripping each other in every step we made before we come into her place.

"What's your name handsome?" She asked but I won't let her know my name not after we made sex tonight maybe my hormones tells not to so instead I pushed her into the wall and kicked the door closed until we made into her sacred bedroom and jumped immediately into her bed.

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