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Title: 11:11

Genre: Genderbender, Angst, Romance

Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany

Author: chocomint89

Empty bedroom, scattered clothes and fading memories were the only things that Tiffany seen inside their once shared apartment where her lover left a year ago and there she was, standing at the frontdoor, soaking wet from the rain outside, she decided to stepped inside again, she leave her wet pink converse shoes and brown coat as she tiptoed step by step reaching the emptiness of the house that used to be lively before, her eyes wandered at every corner of the walls, from the ones frame hanging at her left unto the right where her and him we're happily embracing each other, the eyesmile she had was reaching her ears but now she had no tears left to cry, another footsteps and she reached the kitchen, the untouched utensils we're still there at the counter table, they're clean but left there alone, she remembered how he used to make pancakes every morning and ate them together, sitting across each other while feeding themselves, a sweet talking from him, his voice still lingering on her nerves, a single tears escaped from her eyes but she quickly wipe them though, her hand touches the edge of the table sliding her fingers until it reaches the end, followed by another action which she decides to sit on the stool, the shirt was place at one stool beside her, he left it after they fought and forgot to bring with him, the scent was still there alongside the longing of his touch through her bare skin, she sniff and another tears fell again, how she wish that she could turn back time where they was still happy, wishing under the sky full of stars, the cold breeze hits their skin as they engulfing each other from their once embrace, facing the ocean and sweet kisses as well.

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