Someone Like Me

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Title: Someone Like Me

Genre: Romance, Fluff

Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany

Author: chocomint89


Since we we're both a child, Taeyeon and I often plays at the backyard of the Kim's, sometimes with another neighbors named Jessica with her younger sister, Krystal. We happily jumps, tease and run through the huge backyard but what caught my attention the most is when Taeyeon and Jessica held their private talks not too far from us, I guess Jessica says something to my long-time crush because of how her cheeks turns red hanging her head low while my midget buddy pats her head as her smile reaches her already redden ears, I knew exactly what's going on between them seems like they both shared a romantic feelings without saying anything to me, how selfish they could be and I hated that they kept it behind my back but I let it slide but not when they started showing affections to each other and neglecting me. I rarely saw Taeyeon in our house playing with me, instead she's going out with the new blonde girl, Jessica, the feeling of being neglect is totally worst I've been felt so I decided to as much as possible avoiding Taeyeon with all might.


I saw Taeyeon sitting alone at the bench on their backyard while reading her notes, a chance for me to finally talked to her, it's now or never. I took a sit beside her but she didn't utter a simple words nor a greeting so I puffed my cheeks in annoyance and took away that stupid notes from her, she throw a glance with me but her eyes filled with emptiness and sadness, I felt guilty towards my rude behavior so I felt apologetic but instead of being mad at me, she hugged me tighter like her life depends on me, I wonder why. I heard a faint sob and I'm sure it's belongs to her, I asked but she didn't answer me back so I rather stay silent as well.

"J-Jessica..." Taeyeon said in between her faint cries as she grabbed Tiffany on her arms.

"W-What happen?" Tiffany asked with a worried tone as she sniffed her hair scent.

"She's g-gone..." Another sobs followed.

"S-She h-had a h-heart c-complication and last week her heart didn't make it...." Taeyeon added with a heavy cries as she relied on Tiffany.

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