Too Much

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Title: Too Much
Genre: Romance, Genderbender
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

"You're too much but I loved it." A guy whispering to himself while staring into a certain someone through the crowd. A short hair woman practically dancing for their upcoming musical giving her best as the lead actress but Taeyeon, a hopeless janitor of the prestigious university has only the ability to stare at his long-time crush from afar as he task to clean the almost empty auditorium, he glances once in awhile into the figure at the stage while mopping the dirty floor when she suddenly stopped from dancing amd taking her water bottle from the corner drinking the liquid substance before she wipes her sweat until a good-looking guy appears from nowhere probably her boyfriend. The janitor keeps on watching them talking happily with each other before the guy finally bid goodbye leaving the woman again on her practice.

"Ah, excuse me but can you help me out here I need a hand." Finally he was noticed by her so he quickly jumped over the stage and gave her a hand for whatever it was and by closely watching her up close makes his heart pumping like crazy and uncontrollably.

"You need to this move so I can fully practice them, you know its kinda difficult if I'm alone." Tiffany explained pointing at the illustrations at the scripts, she glances over the flustered guy while she instructed him what to do and thankfully, Taeyeon is a fast learner and he could immediately memorized the step im just a snap of a finger leaving a good impressions from the latter. With a nervous feeling, Taeyeon manages tp touch every inch of her body while they're dancing sensually into the beat of Love Me Like You Do by Justin Bieber.

"You can also be a good actor and dancer too if you really wanted, why don't you try to audition, Taetae?" In just a short span of time they already comfortable with each other and calling each other by petnames without their awareness. Taeyeon's charm caught her under his spell while they're dancing and she could see the passionate look as their eyes locked into each other and with a smooth moves they ended the practice well.

"You're a such good teacher Fany." Taeyeon praised the woman wrapping up her stuffs that lying on the stage floor, a sign that she will leave for home but as a gentleman, he offers her to walk Tiffany home tonight and the latter nodded. He also offers to carry her buffle bag but rejected first by the latter but in the end he carry it as well with a smile on his face.

"Your voice is such a bomb, I don't know you can sing very well, just give it a shot, you don't even know you can be a musical actor in broadway someday." Tiffany proudly said giving him a piece of mind to just gave it a shot to audition since he's kind of talented on his own way. Reaching the latter's humble home, Tiffany kissed his cheeks as an act of gratefulness but Taeyeon on the other hand flustered by her bold action and touches the spot where her soft lips lingered.


"Thank you but I rather to be in behind the scene." Taeyeon answered sadly because he was an illiterate person, he thinks of himself lowly but Tiffany insisted and encourage him until he convinced by her the next day. She helps him alot through his practice when the audition held the next month, he got accepted immediately and casted in many musicals as a main role. She was like a proud mother into her own child but after a few years, they've been separated because Taeyeon rised into fame and invited to be a cast on broadway musical in a foreign country. Years by years passed, they'd lost communications, the gap became more bigger and Tiffany felt betrayed by him, she graduated from college and continously works as a musical actress in locals. She spends most of her time teaching the new ones and as a senior actress, she tried her best to at least passed the audition through broadway to follow him but failed a countless times.

"Too much pratice will eventually kill you Miss Hwang." A familiar voice wakes her up from her sudden rest as she looks from where the voice be heard and she was surprise when Taeyeon stood with a bouquet of blue tulips on his hand while slowly approaching her with a smile on his face. With every steps that he makes, a small beat in her heart takes place, her breath hitched when she noticed how his face getting more charming and handsome at the same time, he looks more manly on a very small detailed of his grown beards on his pointed jawline making him even hotter like Cristiano Ronaldo.

"W-What are you doing here, Taeyeon?" She asked not leaving her eyes into him.

"What happen to Taetae? I missed you calling me by the cute petname." He pouted while he offers the flowers infront of her before he kneels down showing a red velvet box revealing a pink diamond.

"You're too much to let go so I'm asking you to marry this pabo?" Taeyeon proposed while Tiffany kept her mouth shut from a total shock, she was having a mental breakdown all of a sudden. She felt her hand sweating too much while her heart creating intensified rhythm in one go taking her breath away with just a glimpse of his chin dimple smile radiating through her eyes.

"Too much sweets will literally kill me you smooth talker!" She slapped his shoulder before accepting his proposal and Taeyeon stood up.

"I don't mind having too much of you for a lifetime, sorry it takes me too long." Taeyeon said apologetically before he pecks her lips with love.

"Too much cheesy." They both laughed together.


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