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Title: Whisper
Genre: Genderbender, Romance, Married life
Character: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

"A-Ahhh, Ta-Taeyeon-ah, oohh."

"Tone down your voice my love, we haven't done into the main course" Taeyeon whispered to her girlfriend as he gave butterfly kisses through every inch of Jessica's face down to her smooth collarbone while they were into the making love process.

"Y-You know you're neighbor next door was disable person." Jessica respond from pleasure as she was having a euphoria when her boyfriend stripping off her piece of clothing.

"But she's not deaf."

"How do you know she's a SHE?" Jessica asked suspiciously made Taeyeon to stop his business with her.

"God, she's my fucking neighbor so I know everytime she walked out from her creaky door." Taeyeon defended.

"Yah! Why are you so defensive? I'm just asking or do you felt guilty for me because you're already get into her pants, right?" Jessica said with a hint of jealousy because she knew how her boyfriend treat the eyesmile girl next door and even let her ride his car together with them sometimes, she knew the latter was disabled but treating her like more than that.

"You're being ridiculous, Jessica." Taeyeon spat as he called his girlfriend on her name not sweetly and get off from her immediately wear his white v-neck shirt lying on the floor.

"If you decided to walked out through that fucking door, I swear were really done Kim Taeyeon!" Jessica threatened but the former didn't care less and stormed out behind doors leaving his crying girlfriend.

Taeyeon drove home safely without getting into accident but he walked aimlessly because he drunk himself that night, he even knocked off twice and bumped into something while walking his way through the 9th floor of his apartment building. He spotted the girl next door carefully leaning her back into his door, he smile at the view and continue his pace.

"What are you doing here?" Taeyeon asked when the latter didn't even budge from her position and finally looked at him with a surprise expression. She did her sign language for him to understand but unfortunately the former didn't even understand a bit of what she meant, useless.

"How useless I am." Tiffany thought to herself.

"You're waiting for me, am I right?" Taeyeon asked like he could understand her language. He let out a chuckle seeing Tiffany being shy and embarrassed with her heated face turned into a reddened tomato before she slightly nodded her head for confirmation.

The former let her inside his apartment painted with white walls, calm and cozy feeling of a true home, Taeyeon worked as a songwriter so he definitely had this kind of ambiance into his place and Tiffany loves it, she had this tingling feelings for him even she knew that Taeyeon had a girlfriend but they rarely spend the night here choosing Jessica's place instead. She was snapped out from her thought when she felt a tapped on her shoulder seeing the former holding a two cans of refreshment, she bowed.

"Sorry, I don't have anything to eat, I forgot to stuck foods last week and that's embarrassing for a first time guest like you." Taeyeon said before drinking his share while Tiffany shook her head.

"So what's your name?"

After spending their night talking, mostly Taeyeon, they grew closer from each other and spending weekends with his place. He learned that Tiffany couldn't talk due to a traumatic incident but she's not mute, she choose not to talk. The girl lost her family for almost two years ago and now she's living by herself alone but she had clothing line business, she drew her design inside her luxury apartment and not even exposing herself into her employees, she let her secretary Sunny handle them and she just passed her designs through email. Taeyeon on the other hand, already messed up with his relationship and Jessica broke up with him last week leaving him for a modelling offer to California. He was truly devastated that he spend his day drinking and waking up without Jessica by her side but at least he had a friend next door who comforts him by slipping pink letters into his front door, honestly the girl was a poetic one like him. He slowly fell for her charm but decided to take it slow knowing that Tiffany was still couldn't move on from the pain like him and they oftenly spend time with his talking, she laughed at his lame jokes, Taeyeon also learned that she can cook unlike Jessica who almost burned his house down.

"Are you sure you want this?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany who shyly nodded as a response because they both wanted to take their relationship into the next level, she gladly let him take her virginity.

Slowly, Taeyeon get rid of her clothing with ease leaving her on naked glory but she couldn't care less and grabbed his neck to make a liplock session with her now boyfriend, their skillfull tongue dance in tango and didn't even able to catch their breath. He left her mouth agape before he attacked the right spot of her neck that made her whimpers underneath him, she shut her eyes from unbearable pleasure Taeyeon was giving. After awhile, he finally entered her with too much effort and let her adjust to his size before he picked up his pace inside and out and the sessions changes their lives.

"F-Faster, Faster Taetae!" Tiffany faintly whispered made Taeyeon shocked but still pumping inside.

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