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Title: Starlight
Genre: Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

A/N: Inspired from Roy Kim's Starlight (The King Loves OST)


Walking bare-footed, I spread both of my arms in mid-air taking deeply the fresh breeze that passing through my face. I felt peaceful and thinking of someone dearly, I managed to smile in between the sadness my heart used to it everyday without her by my side, I misses her so much, I missed her touch, her care, her smile and even small things that made me smile from ear to ear. I remember how we enjoyed our moment right in this spot as she taught me how to let out all my bottled up emotions by screaming loudly through nowhere, how I felt my heart beating unusually we've been friends through the years and my feelings was beyond normal friends do and I was glad when she confessed at me on they day of my birthday, today. She said those 3 magical words while holding my hands, I saw how her eyes sparks like stars. Where are you now? Are you happy now? Do you still miss me? How are you now? The place you are now, is it beautiful? I thought while I slowly opening my eyes watching the ocean and its waves still my hands spreads like I'm a bird without wings while I'm enjoying the summer breeze I didn't even noticed someone else presence heading towards my spot.

"Tiffany... Fany?" I heard her voice for those years I've been longing, how I misses it very much. I turned my back seeing her again for a long time we haven't seen each other for awhile now but what surprises me was seeing her sad eyes looking towards me, I felt a tugged in my heart. I want to speak but my painful heart held me back instead my tears formed showing how I really misses her. Why showing up yourself now when I'm at peace now? Why didn't you show when I needed you the most? Don't you know I missed you? Many questions came through but I couldn't choose which one to asked so I let my emotions took me on the spot. My bare foot took its first step as she watched me, hopefully she spoke with me when our eyes met halfway, can I touch her or she will push me away?

"F-Fany?" She spoke but I didn't answer and instead I stare at her for who knows how long enough for her to melt like an ice. She stares back with eyes filled with sadness and grief, how I wish I could see her happiness again but I think I'm just hoping for nothing. I close our gap without me speaking, I kept my silence until we're meters apart, no one dares to reached our hands but instead our heartbeat tells otherwise.

"Taetae..." Finally I sum up all my courage to speak casually after I felt the right time but unfortunately we couldn't bring back old memories we shared together before. She's still the same, her eyes, lips, big ears that I wanted to play with my fingers, her chin dimple smile and of course, her kisses.

"W-Wae? Fany wae?" She asked in tears when I saw how her hands turned into fist probably holding herself back, I felt she's mad at me for leaving her behind without words and now I'm here at our favorite spot by myself without her.

"Sorry Tae..." My heart will be burst soon when I watched her sobbing hard right infront of me, heartbreaking scene. I stood still not wanting to touch her or she might freak out with my touch.

"Don't you know I need you? You're my bright star into my darkness but how could you left me from the harsh cold in outside world? You heartless person! I hate you really, I hate you Fany for leaving me alone while you're enjoying yourself in place where you belong now." Her words strucked me and I felt tears burn in my eyes but I couldn't do anything to bring myself back into her arms so I could only watched her from above. I visited here when I wanted to when I felt she will visited these spot when she wanted to see me too because its memorable for us, for me and especially for my her, my dearest wife.

"I'm truly sorry for leaving you alone." Yes, I literally leave her alone on earth since I passed away for almost 5 years ago because I drowned myself at the ocean where we used to enjoy watching together right here but thankfully, I saved her from being the victim one, I'm glad she's safe.

"I really hated this place right now but at the same time I still loved it because its the place where our love grows and how I met you when we're still young." I heard her mutter audibly as she smiles bitterly how I wish I could wipe her tears away and left a warm smile from my beloved wife. Yes, we're married for half a year before I dies but we dated for 3 years, I remember our first meeting, we're not in good terms back then because I loved pissing her off since she's my boss at my company where I'm working as financial consultant.

"But I'm grateful to be your wife and I still remember you by heart so please don't ever forget me from up above and I do the same for you." My wife smile at me like she's seeing me right infront of her I felt my lips curved upward like she does. I caresses her cute cheeks and she felt shivered but instead of being afraid, she feel it by her own hand placing above mine while her eyes closed.

"You're here with me, I see." She feels me makes my heart happy so she knew I'm here by her side.

"Happy anniversary, my love." She said in between tears and smile so I smile with her as well before I slowly vanished into thin air but I managed to say a word that I knew she heard because I see her smile.

"Happy anniversary too, Taetae. I love you always and forever."


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