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Title: Sailing
Genre: Genderbender, Angst, Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

Sound of people screaming throughout the rowdy crowd that dancing into the loud beat of music including the SM University famous cheerleader captain, Hwang Tiffany, she doesn't care about who she's bumping into as long as the music still heats up the dance floor, the night was still young but she's a little bit tipsy for how many shots she's been drinking that burns her now sore throat but stay rooted at the dirty dance floor together with a strange guy, swaying and grinding her hips towards his body as they both into the spirit of alcohol. The guy was a little short for her height and he looks some kind of weird since he's wearing a mask like he was attending a masquerade ball, she stares straightly to his luscious lips that was nervously grinning at her, she encircled her arms into his neck while dancing into the beat. He awkwardly put his hands into her waist to stop her teasing movement looks like he gots a boner because of her success seducing to him, he hungrily kisses her into the lips turned into a heated make-out session as Tiffany dragged him into the empty alleys at the back of the bar, they continued their business there until they stepped into the next level on Tiffany's place not too far from the bar.

"What the hell!" Tiffany curses under her breath when she felt her head crushing to pain due to a hangover, she lazily stretched her body and open her still heavy eyes not until she realize someone lying beside her under the sheets naked, her eyes widened and tightened the grip into her blanket covering her breast, she kicked him out from the bed until she heard groaned due to the undying pain. The figure finally stood up thankfully he had a boxer on but he's still wearing a mask that concealing his identity, he was surprise seeing Tiffany on that state but before he could open his mouth, a pillow thrown right into his face followed by a footsteps marching her way into the bathroom before slamming the door.

"You're what???" Jessica screamed as she stood on her seat while slamming her hands to the table but immediately shut by her bestfriend Tiffany who was felt embarrassed because they're inside the school library.

"Yah! Tone down your voice, somebody might hear you and for goodness sake where at the library!" Tiffany leaned and whispered as she covered her face by a book. Jessica who was attentively listening from her interested one night stand story to a mystery guy.

"You're totally screwed, sweety! Are you high that night? I thought we're only celebrating our team's victory last night but seems someone else want other way of victory, you naughty woman." Jessica teased earning a deathly glare from the victim of her teasing.

"Shut up!"

"Guess what? I already had a partner into our upcoming masquerade ball because finally Sooyoung asked me to be his partner for the night." Jessica cheered as she happily jumps into the couch together with Tiffany who was busy playing with her phone

"Yeah as if I cared." Tiffany scoffed because she had been frustrated not knowing about this mystery guy for almost a month, she never had the chance to see him again not even at the bar they first spend their night.

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