Hands On Me

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Title: Hands On Me
Genre: Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89


"Cheers to our company's success!" One of the employee cheered as she raised her glass in the mid-air joining the rest of the pack who celebrated their first project success.

"CHEERS!!!" They chirped happily.

"Eh, I think Team Leader there was on her limit right now." One of the employee pointed at the drunken state woman whose head was leaning down on the table at the corner a meters gap away from them.

"Ms. Hwang can you send our Team Leader in her home, we take care our tab here before we call it a night?"

"Er, sure Mr. Song." The nerd named Tiffany hesitated for a moment before she forcefully helped the helpless woman and encircled her arm around their Team Leader's waist using her strength to lift her up after so much struggle they both managed to hail a cab to send the poor soul home.

"Oh, I forgot I don't know her address." She sighed heavily smacking her forehead from her stupidity for not asking her senior colleagues about their Team Leader's home.

"Well, I think I will make her stay at my apartment instead." After a 30-minute drive on her home, they stumbled at her small yet humble apartment and gently throw the drunk woman at her small and stiff bed.

"I need a long shower." Tiffany slowly stripped her clothes off before she stepped inside her bathroom to get ready on her sleep.

"Ugh! Stupid headache!" The Team Leader groan on her sleep before she crack her one eye open, she held her aching head before she search for the bathroom.

"AAAAHHHHHHHH!" The apartment owner screamed when she felt a presence but saw the half conscious woman from her drunk state.

"Oh, my ears!" The small woman covered her both ears woth her eyes closed.

"T-Team L-Leader-nim?" Tiffany blushed as she failed to cover her glorious asset from the sight of the black-haired woman who almost her eyes popped out from its socket.

"S-Sorry...." The drunk woman hurriedly stepped outside but her move halted when the owner held her wrist.

"Do you want to shower Team Leader-nim? Er, I help you scrub your back if you want?" Well, Tiffany had a crush on her and despite of the Team Leader state she nodded like a puppy and let herself inside the bathtub joining the brunette from her long bath, the awkward silence engulfed them but the petite woman broke it.

"Thank you for bringing me in your place Ms. Hwang." The Team Leader shyly said avoiding Tiffany's curious gaze.

"Er, its nothing Team Leader-nim."

"Just drop the formalities and call me Taeyeon were not in office." Taeyeon chuckled before she looked away from embarrassment but Tiffany's hand cupped her cheeks instead and their eyes locked in the middle before the sudden temptation from their body took over.


"You're beautiful Ms. Hwang." Taeyeon said after a small peck on her lips leaving a thumping heart from both of them.

"It's Tiffany for you." Tiffany managed to place another kiss but longer than the previous one.

"You don't know how I kept my feelings at bay and I often got jealous when you're talking with some random guy in the company especially that player Khun." Taeyeon admitted before her hands roam the woman's bare back as they sat face to face in the lukewarm water from the tub that they we're in.

"Don't hold back then because I'm lusting for you Taeyeon as well so be my guest." Tiffany open her mouth to let thw older woman's tongue entangled with her soft muscle inside the hot cavern. The kiss turned into passionate before the temprature rises unlike before.

"I will never let you get away." Taeyeon closes the gap in between their heated body before her left hand cupped the Tiffany's treasure underneath the water.

"Put your hands on me Tae." Tiffany gasped when she felt a warm hand cupping her womanhood.

"You know I do." Taeyeon whispered on her ear before she softly nibble them.

"T-Tae... Ah!" She felt something entering her but more pleasure hits her like a wave as she meet the slow pace of Taeyeon's finger thrust.

"Harder!" Tiffany arch her back from great pleasure made Taeyeon turned on more.


"T-Taeyeon faster I'm near baby!"

"AAAAHHHHH!" Tiffany reached her awaited climax before their swollen lips meet again in the middle.

"Do I feel you good baby?" Taeyeon asked before she deepen their kiss.

"My first was great." Tiffany shyly smile before Taeyeon's eyes widen realizing she's the first to took the younger woman's virginity.

"Sorry I didn't know, are you okay?" She asked worriedly made Tiffany's heart overwhelmed.

"I want my first to be you."

"That's a relief then."

"But why me out of many beautiful women in my department?" Tiffany asked curiously of why did their Team Leader saw in her, she's not confident with her beauty.

"I like everything about you especially your hands that touches my heart." Taeyeon simply answered before she place another kiss on her lips.

"Then don't let go of my hands."

"You know I won't."

"Good to know."

"Be my good girl?"

"Thought you never ask."

"So hands on me then please?" Taeyeon grabbed her hand before she place it on her already wet womanhood.

"With pleasure baby." Tiffany smiled.


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