4 Walls

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Title: 4 Walls
Genre: Genderbender, Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

Sound of crashing plates, vases and other fragile things inside the apartment could be audibly heard almost reaching the neighborhood, a woman flaring her anger through things her hands could reach, a pair of puffy red eyes, reddened nose, disheveled hair and torn oversized tank tops ruined a South Korean top model's appearance early in the morning. Tiffany had an argument with her long time boyfriend who caught redhanded with a blonde woman eating his face back at the club last night, she walked passed through the empty alley when she spotted him, she was sure that it was his ex, Jessica trying to get her former lover back for once but she didn't let her of course and fought against the bitch but she's stunned when Taeyeon stand against her with a sad look on his face, a tears formed into her eyes but she held them back before she slapped his face and leave without words.

"You fucking jerk! Sunny's right I shouldn't be deceive by your kindness and gentle face!" She yelled across the apartment where she's only the being inside.

"I thought you love me more than I do but I was fucking wrong about your words, you're no different with other guys I loved before, you're all fucking liars!" She yelled again just to be startled another presence inside their shared apartment.

"Fany-ah." Taeyeon cooed behind her, wrapping her securely into his succumbed warmth but he was pushed by the raging Tiffany not surprise nor swayed, he tried to put her back again into his embrace but another pushed was made all over again and he kept on trying until she's got tired and crying hard before falling into her knees and Taeyeon pulled her even more closer.

"Sorry I was being a jerk but I honestly didn't cheat on you ever, Jessica walked into me and shoved me hard against the alley before you saw us, I never loved her, we're done few years ago, all I know is that I love you so much that it hurts me, seeing you devastated throwing all our furnitures inside these 4 wall apartment we bought for our future, Fany-ah." Taeyeon soothed her as he caresses her back, the sobbing was still there and Tiffany was too exhausted to argue back when she all do throughout the night was yelling, throwing things, slapping his face, chest and kicking his stomach with all force around the 4 walls but he patiently bear them without protest showing how much he love the woman and soon-to-be wife.

"Taetae..." Her voice softened when she saw how badly bruised Taeyeon's face was but still managed to smile at her with his chin dimples. She cupped his cheeks but he flinched so she retracted her hand immediately but places again by his hand into hers to gently traced the swollen cheeks she slapped more than a few times.

"Does it hurts?" She asked with guilt but Taeyeon only shook his head cutely before planted a kiss on her also swollen face he slapped back when his anger reach its limit, they both been bruised well and needed to be aid.

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