We Love?

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Title: We Love?
Genre: Genderbender, Romance
Character: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

At the Soshi club where socialize students of Soshi High spending their nights jamming with the full blast sound of EDM songs played by the famous DJ Hyoyeon. Sitting at the bar counter, Tiffany Hwang, a 32-year old professor of Soshi, who desperately finding the one for her since she had no boyfriend since birth because of her dull lifestyle probably living like a nun sucks at all, she had been raised to a religious family where her father was a head pastor of their small village at Jeonju, she even memorized the bible and rosary prayers but she wasn't as ignorant as she are because she secretly loved watching pornography and that made her sexually frustrated. She always wear her favorite huge black framed glasses and a pair of fashionable dress almost covering her whole body, traditional clothes of the famous nerdy Hwang back at her college days even her bestfriend Jessica Jung mocdwho . or despising her for wearing that kind of fucking clothes on the 21st century. She sighed heavily when she recalls her ungrateful events before and nearly pitied herself for being a freaking dumb nerd though she always top of her class because of her brainy smart ass. After a few shots, a stupid idea popped out from her fucking mind when she immediately grabbed someone sitting beside her and forcefully dragged outside the club heading their way through the nearby church.

"Ughh! My head!" Tiffany groaned in pain when the aftermath of the alcohol kicking in and befor she climbed off from the unfamiliar bed, she realize something she will regret for her whole life. She woke up naked inside the unfamiliar room and praying it was only a dream or Jessica take her home but she was sure that her bestfriend's room was neat and not stinky like a dumpster somewhere unfortunately someone squirmed beside her, she slowly tilted her head and find out that someone slept with her last night, a naked back of a man welcomed her widen eyes as she abruptly kicked him off the bed making a loud thud sounds waking the stranger up from his deep slumber.

"Oh, hi wife you're awake?" A kid-face teenager stretched showing his toned body where Tiffany ogling pervertly at his sweaty curves with his messy bed hair sum up the perfection of an ideal man but she snapped her daydreaming and yelled at him when she saw how huge his buddy was, she throw the pillows at him made the man groaned.

After the long unfateful explanation of Kim Taeyeon, a teenage boy he grabbed forcefully last night because of drunkness, she was embarrassed by her behavior towards him, felt like she wanted her to eat by the ground right now for a shameless and perverted actions last night but the worst things was they were now unfortunately married by the official priest she threatened for not allowing them to get married.

"What have I done? I'm sorry I was too depress, drunk and desperate last night. Don't worry I'll take responsibility and immediately fix our divorce paper when I submit my leave form." Tiffany was too burdened with too many problems so she couldn't think straight.

"Kim Taeyeon." The teenage boy offered his hand for introducing himself confidently.

"Tiffany Hwang." The woman replied shortly.

"It's now Kim for you if you forgotten and for the meantime we have to treat each other like a true couple whether you like it or not, WIFE!" Taeyeon winked at her before he left his small apartment leaving a flustered woman.

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