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Title: Mirage
Genre: Romance
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

In a secluded art room painted with white, there was a mere figure sitting on her stool in the middle of screaming silence ensued inside facing her empty canvass, probably thinking of what she will paint, wrinkled nose, knitted brows and pointed lips forward precisely she's on her deep thoughts. She sighed heavily massaging her temples, she have to make it quick since the deadline is just around the corner or she had to suffer with a C as a failing grade for a fine art student like her, she's on her last year now and will graduated next month so this project was one of the requirements to be fulfilled, closing her eyes for awhile and decided to resigned herself for a short nap, to unoccupied her mind to start her project. She opened her bedroom door and climbed to her soft bed, finding a comfortable position to sleep, she sprawled her body while hugging her favorite dookongs. Slowly, her eyes became heavy and she felt dozy after a few minutes before she drifted into dreamland.

"Where am I?" Taeyeon squinted her eyes twice when she woke up into unfamiliar place where you could only see trees, flowers, grass, mountains and the sun behine clouds that happily shares her light rays into the living things there. She turned her head from left and right but sees no one except for a lady wearing a pink floral dress sitting on the bench underneath the cherry blossom who looks like she's waiting for someone, she dusted off her oversized baby blue sweatshirt before she stood up from the picnic mat to approach the living presence, one step forward followed by another until she's now standing beside the beautiful lady who immediately caught her attention into her peripheral vision.

"Oh, you're finally awake." A melodious yet cheerful voice greeted her with a pair of eyesmile flashing through her sight, the lady reaches her hand to make her sit beside her that Taeyeon obediently followed.

"I'm pretty aware that you're too off lately, is something bothering you?" The eyesmile lady asked but Taeyeon hesitated to answer her since she had no idea of her relation to the stranger and from what she remember awhile ago that she's caught into a slumber after she's being fed up from her project she'd left because of lack of idea and the fact that it has to be passed on deadline next week.

"Sorry to be rude but-" Her words has been cut off by a pair of lips attached into her own, surprise is understatement when she felt her body reacts from the sensation, she's loving the feeling of her lips tastes like strawberry, Taeyeon places her right hand into the stranger's nape as the other hand into its slim waist gently caressing until she presses her body into her.

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