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Title: Holiday
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89


"WE'RE DONE!!!" I yelled at my now ex-boyfriend after seeing him together with one of my colleague inside the stock room when I'm went out to check some important filesand there they grinding each others like horny rabbits and then I burst and throw the bookbind files into them leaving them without explanation, well, what do you think if you caught your loved ones liplocking with someone you are not. I throw my phone at my bed and slowly I reached out for my closet and pick out my clothes needed for my one week holiday when I filed my leave to our boss after the incident. Packing all my stuffs inside my huge pink luggage, I get my car keys before making sure my apartment has been locked safe from unwanted intruders, waving goodbye at the building caretaker I finally climbed into my pink mini cooper and turned on the engine, I decided to tour around Jeonju because one of my workmates recommended specific tourist spots for a vacation so why not seeing them myself. I put my black shades and let the music hyped my mood so I could forget all the bitter feelings I had inside me, maybe this unplanned vacation might work.


Ho-ho-holiday, Ho-ho-holiday
Ho-ho-holiday, Ho-ho-holiday
I’m feeling good
I waited for this day
Like that moment we first met
You and I have met again.

I turned the volume up so it would matched my good mood, well, the song isn't bad that my body has uits mind of own and jamming into the beat, I throw my empty hand into the air and sing-along with the lyrics but my eyes and attention was still on the road infront maybe some people would see me as a mad woman but who cares I rather be like this than locking myself, crying inside my apartment.

Hey, today is our holiday
A cool day has come, this moment we’ve waited a long time for
Hey, it’s special, our holiday
So it can be a day that’s for you and me
Toss aside your tired heart
You and I will enjoy this together
Ho-ho-holiday, Ho-ho-holiday
Ho-ho-holiday, Ho-ho-holiday

I finally felt hot inside so I tossed my jacket off my body at the backseat of my mini cooper letting my sweag shows from my curvy body then why my ex-boyfriend cheat behind my back? Well, its his lose not mine, I wish I could see someone who will let all the burdens off my shoulder maybe a one night stand will work its way from my frustrated heart.

Raise the volume, feel the beat
Feel this rhythm now
Feeling good
You know I’m hot, hot, hot, hot
It’s getting a bit hotter
Yours and my daylight.

As I reached the hotel safe and sound, I directly walked myself into the reception area and greeted by a tall man telling him my reservation not forgetting to winked at him before a certain bellboy carry my luggages, stepping inside the elevator, I noticed how awkward he was with me wiping his sweat from left to right, do I turned him on? Well, he's kinda cute I say but before I could speak casually at him the eleveator stopped at the floor where my room located. We entered inside after I punched my card keys letting him walked inside first to put down my luggages.

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