Once In A Lifetime

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Title: Once in a lifetime
Genre: Romance, Angst
Characters: Taeyeon & Tiffany
Author: chocomint89

She left me with a brokenheart when she broke the news of her leaving the company as well as the group, I pretend to be strong and happy not showing how remorseful I am when my only happiness was leaving me alone again, she helped me move on from Jessica's departure and seems the painful history repeat itself when I could only watched her packing her stuffs in our shared bedroom with tears in her eyes, I felt I should soothe her but my body didn't cooperate with my heart as I stay rooted in my position far away from her direction, she packed her branded clothes that occupied almost a half of our wardrobe but I let her and now it almost emptied when she put them all inside her luggage. There's no more tears to cry for, almost drained me that I could only do was to watched her leaving our dorm, another members to left after my beloved Jessica. I felt my heart torn apart when Tiffany could only passed by me with her luggage and not uttering any words as she let her feet stepped outside when Sunny and Hyoyeon waved goodbye into my eyesmile queen, I felt everything whose special to me always leaving me into the darkness that I could only watched them vanished slowly and that was the start when everything fell apart.


The old version of SNSD kid leader, Taeyeon was happily spending time with her two kids, Jaehyun and Hanuel while her husband was on her business trip, she married with her non-showbiz boyfriend, two years ago after Tiffany left, she needed to move on with her and decided to build her own family to forget the heartbreaks as well as her singing career and now she's happily and contented fulfilling her duties as plain housewife in Han residence at Incheon. While busy lurking around the mall with curious passersby the Han family halted when Taeyeon spotted a familiar presence only her heart could recognized immediately.

"Taetae?!" A loud yet husky voice echoed as the woman in her 40's happily engulfed her into a tight embrace leaving the two kids wondered into a woman whose getting intimate with their mother.

"T-Tiffany?" Taeyeon was startled.

"Now its Tiffany not Fany anymore?" The woman pout showing her childish manner made Taeyeon amused with her.

"Kids, say hello to Auntie Fany!" Taeyeon said to her kids whose waving their hands dorkily at the woman.

"Hello Auntie Fany!!!" The Han kids said in unison made the eyesmile woman giddy with their cuteness.

"Your little boy seems more like you!" Tiffany pinched Jaehyun's chubby cheeks before the young boy held his both arms asking to carry her.

"Wow you both seems to be clique in instant." Taeyeon was surprise when her boy seems comfortable with stranger when Jaehyun usually afraid from new faces as well to Hanuel.

"Because she's like you Taetae!" Tiffany cheered as she carried Jaehyun in her arms.

"Mommy we will play there!" The kids hollered as they spotted the children's playground nearby. Jaehyun and Hanuel run into where the other kids were happily playing.

"How are you?" Taeyeon and Tiffany both said in unison before their cheeks flustered in embarrassment.

"I've been living back in California after I decided to end my career as a singer and now working at the fashion industry with Jessica." Tiffany said showing her smile as she finally fulfilled her dream and follow her heart.

"Yeah, I heard your both were good and by the way, congratulations with the both of you!" Taeyeon smile at her watching her kids playing happily.

"She send her regards for you and your family." Tiffany said as she followed where Taeyeon's eyes at. She felt happy as well for her bestfriend's life and pray for her success as well.

"Send my regards to Jessica as well."

"Are you already married?" Taeyeon asked out of the blue but Tiffany wasn't surprise at all. She sighed before the eyesmile woman answered back.

"I married to Gray for 5 years but unfortunately I couldn't gave him a child so it leads to divorce 2 and a half years ago and now I'm happy being single besides I had no interest in marrying again." Tiffany honestly said as she fidgeted with her finger and the next thing surprises her more.

"Tch, still like a little kid." Taeyeon fixing her red scarf around Tiffany's neck and adjusting her collar.

"Still wearing my gift, huh?" Taeyeon smile when she remember the red scarf she gave Tiffany as her Christmas present to the young latter.

"How could I not? When it comes from my bestest bestfriend ever." Tiffany flashes her beautiful eyesmile as she held Taeyeon's hand.

"I see you're wearing my gift as well." Tiffany teased as she spotted the expensive wristwatch she gave to Taeyeon's birthday.

"Well, it comes from the special woman whom I loved the most." Taeyeon blurted out made her eyes widen in realization, she almost covered her mouth but kept it so Tiffany wouldn't noticed her nervousness.

"Sorry." Taeyeon added with embarrassment confessing out of the blue but seeing Tiffany's no response she felt more uncomfortable and afraid the woman might disgust her.

"If we could turn back time, if we both didn't caught in complicated circumstances and if we could freely love the person whom we truly loved, we don't have to suffer with all of this." Tiffany stated as she felt her tears will soon fell but Taeyeon beat her and wipes them away.

"If only our love was truly accepted by the society, were now both happily walking into these same place with our kids." Taeyeon added as she smile bitterly at the painful reality that she couldn't happily love Tiffany back and fulfilled her duties as a good daughter and a role model to everyone since they're honored as Nation's Girl Group of South Korea since then.

"If we'll meet again in the next lifetime I would never be afraid of loving you again Taetae and I hope one of us will be a guy then but if not then I still love you the way I loved Kim Taeyeon before." Tiffany laughed bitterly as she place her cold hand over Taeyeon.

"I'll cherish you forever and I think it would be the last we will see each other my friend." Taeyeon responded before she stood up and said her final goodbye into the woman she avoided for years.

"Gooodbye, my Taetae." Tiffany told to herself as she watched Taeyeon held her two kids in hand and before they walked away, Jaehyun waved his hand into Tiffany's direction with his dorky smile that the eyesmile waved back.

"Goodbye Fany-ah." Taeyeon said to herself as she tried her best not to looked back at the woman who broke her heart.


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