I told you no

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Blaine Anderson strolled through the hallway. He smirked to himself as he strode past Kurt Hummel, making sure he winked at him. Kurt rolled his eyes, but his porcelain cheeks got hot. Kurt turned to his locker and grabbed his books that he needed.

'Hey." Rachel came up to him, smiling wide. She looked at Kurt, noticing his pink rosey cheeks. She wouldn't say anything yet about it. 

"Why are you so happy?" Kurt asked as he closed his locker slowly. Kurt needed something to get his mind off of Blaine. He was just being annoying and obnoxious. 

"Well if you must know, Finn and I got back together! It was about time he realized that we were destined to be together and that we both need each other. Our undying love couldn't be ignored-" Rachel rambled, but Kurt cut her off.

"Shocker." Kurt smiled slightly. "I'll see you later in glee club." Kurt flashed Rachel a goodbye smile. Before turning around and heading to Math. It wasn't his favorite class. Not because he wasn't good at math. That totally wasn't the case.

Blaine was in the class. He sat directly next to his right side. They were seated in the back of the classroom. Kurt walked in and straight to his seat. He got situated as the other students started to fill in. The bell rang and the teacher walked in.

"Hello class.. As you know we have a test today. I'm going to do roll call first." Mrs.  Avenoo said, while pulling out her clipboard. "Okay, Charles?"


"Hmm.. Stella?'








"Blaine?" The teacher called. Kurt looked over and of course he wasn't there. "Blaine?" Kurt found himself rolling his eyes. The door creaked open revealing Blaine and a smirk plaster on his face.

"Sorry i'm late teach." Blaine shrugged and went to take his seat next to Kurt. "I know. I know. Detention. I heard it all before."

"You know what. I'm literally getting sick of your attendance. I'm letting you down with a warning. Mostly because I have other things to do then babysit." Blaine shrugged and took his test handing Kurt one.

"You may begin."

"Kurt." Blaine whispered. Kurt tries to ignore him anyway he could. "Kurt."

"What." Kurt whispered back as he filled in answers on the test.

"Can I borrow a pencil?"

Kurt sighed. He gave him wooden number two pencil and continued with his work. Blaine stared at his test like it was from another planet. I should've paid  much more attention in class. HA! That's funny Blaine. Real funny. No seriously. Like what the hell is this? Algebra? Think. 

Blaine usually gets good grades. A lot of A's  rather than B's, but lately Kurt has been distracting him. I will get him. I get anyone I want. 

Kurt finished writing his sentence  as the bell rang. Kurt gathered up his stuff and handed the teacher his test. "Kurt. Wait up." Blaine called from behind him. Kurt sighed and turned around.

"Why don't we do something?"

"Blaine I told you no already." And with that Kurt went to glee."


First chapter!

I hoped you likes it :)

Shine bright🌟✨

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