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The rest of the week Kurt was partially dreading the party. He's going only because of Blaine. I mean...they weren't officially dating, but it was good enough.

The day of the party. Kurt was choosing his outfit carefully that morning. The party started at 6:30 P.M.

Blaine had texted him the address the night before. Burt was okay with Kurt going as long as he didn't drink-that much.

5:57 rolled around and Kurt was out the door, making sure he said goodbye to Burt and Carole. Finn hopped into the passenger seat as Kurt got into the drivers seat.

Kurt started up the car and got on the road. Finn turned on the radio and perfect by Pink came on. Kurt knew for a fact that Blaine wouldn't like Pink songs.

Kurt sang softly as Finn stared out the window. The silence was killing both of them so Finn finally spoke.

"So, how's that Blake kid?"Finn asked.

"Blaine and he's the one That invited me." Kurt corrected Finn as he came to a stop light.

"Oh." Finn nodded as he started looking out the window again as the car started to move again.

The silence came again. They were both relieved when Kurt pulled up to the house to let Finn out.

Finn smiled as he opened the door and went inside the house.

Things have been kind of awkward between the two. Kurt parked a few blocks away from the house. Kurt commuted to the house, at this point it was 7:23.

Kurt went inside the house and was blasted by music. Cups we're already scattered around the floor. Kurt started looking for Blaine. After about ten minutes of looking. He found him chugging down about her cup of beer.

"Blaine!" Kurt screamed over the music. Blaine smirked. He could tell he had a lot of drinks.

Blaine dropped the cup and attacked his lips to Kurts. Kurt was surprised and pushed Blaine slightly.

Blaine stumbled and Kurt led him to a couch.

"I'm going to get you some water." Kurt yelled and Blaine nodded.

Kurt went a grabbed a cup, filling it up with cold water. Kurt made his way back to the couch only to see Blaine gone."

"I was gone a minute." Kurt mumbled clearly frustrated. Kurt began looking for the drunk bad boy teenager.

Kurt went upstairs and started opening the doors, apologizing when he accidentally caught people in there.

"I'm so sorry-" Kurt said but stopped mid sentence. Then Kurt was gone. Kurt ran. Ran out of the bed room. Ran out of the house. He didn't stop, even if he was calling his name.

He ran to the car and drove off. Tears streamed down his pale porcelain skin.


Hey guys

I hoped you liked it

Shine bright🌟✨

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