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Why did Blaine find himself here. Out of all the places he could've gone. He went here. It wasn't like it was his choice to begin with. Kaitlyn practically forced him into doing this. Saying "it's good for his career"

Blaine checked his phone. 10:43 A.M.

"Blaine. You can come in now." A petite blond women said and stepped back into the room. Blaine got up from the black chair he was previously sitting on and followed her into the medium sized room.

"Hello Blaine."

Blaine smiled and shook her hand. "Hey."

"It's nice to finally meet you. Finally meet the guy that Kurt won't shut up about.@ Katy smiled. She tucked a long piece of brown hair behind her ear.

"Really. He talks about me."

"Yeah. Now. We think you'd be amazing for this new character. That's why we brought you here. His name is Austin."


"So, where getting a new cast member?" Kurt asked. "That's amazing news! I can't wait to see who's playing Austin."

Katy turned her deep red lips in a smile. "Yeah. Lulu is getting him settled and such."

Kurt smiled as he took a sip of his non fat mocha. After all, it was 5:30 in the morning.

"Kurt." Lilly came up to him.

"Yes Lilly?"

"You messed up your hair." she scolded. She took out her comb from her bag of hair products and started combing his hair up again. She sprayed it with mounts of hairspray. She looked at her work and smiled. She turned on her heel and walked away. So she can get everyone else's hair done before shooting.

"Everyone on set." Katy called. Kurt got up and walked over to where everyone else was.

"Where's Austin or.. where's the guy playing Austin?"

"And this is your first scene....." Lulu went on as she showed him around. Blaines face was in his script. Memorizing it. He looked up and almost dropped the mounts of paper.

He knew he was here, but he forgot just how handsome and angelic Kurt was. Kurt's blue eyes widened.


Blaine but his lip and waves awkwardly. "Hi Kurt."


Wow. Okay. Here you go!

I'm currently in the process of edited fearlessly and forever and one more night. But I'm cringing because there so bad.

Also, I didn't know what to call the chapter so I called it Austin. (Shrug)

But I hoped you liked this chapter!

Shine bright💫🌙⚡️✨🌟⭐️

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