Halloween Part 1

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"I'd like to announce that I will be throwing a Halloween party." Rachel excitedly said, clapping her hands. "It will be only us glee kids."

"As long as it's not like that first party you threw." Santana said.

"Trust me being thrown up on really does something to you." Rachel shuddered at the thought. "Anyway, there will be singing and you can bring a plus one."

Everyone started talking, excited about the party. Discussing which costumes there going to wear.

"I may be a unicorn to represent my unicorn." Brittany grinned.

Mr. Shue walked in. "You all know what the lesson is for this week." He wrote Halloween on the board. "This week you all will be doing scary songs and perform it before Friday. You can sing it as a solo, duet, or group." Everyone began stalking again.

"We have a song already." Artie said and rolled up in front of the room, followed by Brittany.

They started to sing thriller by Michael Jackson.

That it's a thriller, thriller night
'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try
Girl, this is thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller
Thriller here tonight


"Your going to go to this Halloween party for Halloween. It would be good publicity for you." Cooper told his brother, bot looking up from his phone. "Everyone that matters is going to be there."

Blaine sent one final text and locked his phone. "I can't. I have to go to another halloween party." Blaine put his pho, in his pocket.

"No. You have to go to this party. Do you know how big of a chance this is?"

"Do you know I have a chance to fix my shitty mistakes?" Blaine mocked. "I have a chance to fix something big."

"Well this us a chance of a lifetime. Do you know how much the charts will go up? I even got you a gig." Cooper said. "You will go. End of story."

"Cooper, your my brother not my d- whatever doesn't even matter." Blaine rolled his eyes and walked to his room slamming the door.

"Fine. I'll go to this stupid psrty, but then I'm going to the one that actually matters."


Halloween is apun on. I'm excited.

So I hoped you liked it and I can't wait to start writing the next chapter.

What are you going to be for Halloween?

I'm a genie

Never to old to trick or treat.

Shine bright🌟✨

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