Thanksgiving Part 2

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**In advance I want to say that if I already named Blaine's mom. I forget. Then to just have this New name be it. If that makes sense. Same with Blaine's dad. **

"In advance, I want to apologize for my shit head of a father." Blaine said as he pulled into the driveway. "Most likely his big mouth will say something he'll regret."

"Thanks." Kurt got out of the car and closed the door. They both walked up to the door, hand in hand.

Blaine's mother Everly opened the door. Her eyes lighting up when she saw her son. "Blaine!" Everly hugged him and then Kurt. "I didn't think you were coming. I'm so glad to see you."

"I didn't want to disappoint you. So, I'll try to be nice to him for you." Blaine said and kissed his moms cheek. Blaine and Kurt stepped inside. Most of Blaine's relatives were already there.

"Blainers!" Aunt Cassandra exclaimed, going over to hug her nephew. "Oh how you've grown. I haven't seen you since you were about seven. That's because i want nothing to do with my sister. So, how old are you now?"

"Well, I'm 17 now." Blaine said. Aunt Cassandra gave Blaine another hug. Then went to talk with Cooper. "That was Aunt Cassandra, my moms sister."

"She's nice......and loud, but mostly nice." Kurt said with a chuckle. 

"Blainey days!" A brunette girl screamed and ran up to Blaine, giving him a tight hug. "I've missed you so much."

"Hey Ellie." Blaine said as he hugged her back. She pulled back.

"Hi. I'm Elanora Anderson. I'm Blaine's niece aka Coopers daughter. You must be Kurt. Blaine talks about you all the time....over the phone. I've been dying to meet the guy who is making Blainey days happy." Ellie said and gave Kurt a quick hug. "Talk later Blainers." 

"Does anyone in your family let you talk or get a word in?" Kurt asked.

"If your lucky."


"Blaine, don't you want to introduce your little friend."

"Well, this is Kurt and he's my boyfriend." Blaine happily said. Blaine's father rolled his eyes.

"See, this is why you'r such a disappointment." Blake Anderson mumbled, eating his turkey.

Blaine took a breath in and let it out. "You don't get to choose."

"Maybe it's a phase."

"Well maybe you should love me for who I am." 

"Blaine just listen, just dump the fag and you can be my son again." Blake said.

Blaine stood up beyond mad. He knew that his dumb ass father would trigger him. "Well, guess what fuck bag-"

"Blaine! There childr-"

"I'm a proud fag too. That will never change do you know why? I love Kurt and like how I'm a fag for life your a fucking ass whole son of a douche father for life." Blaine stated. "I knew I shouldn't even have come. It was nice seeing you guys." Blaine grabbed Kurt's arm and exited the house.

Blaine slammed the door to his truck and started driving away.

"You want to talk about it?" Kurt asked.


Blaine pulled over on the road and looked at Kurt.


Blaine nodded, his hazel eyes filling with water. "I wish my father would just except me." Kurt nodded as he held Blaine close. Kurt placed a gentle kiss to his head. Blaine looked up to Kurt. Kurt wiped Blaine's face as a few stray tears escaped. "I'm so thankful to have you. I love you."

"I love you too." Kurt said and met Blaine in the middle for a sweet and slow but passionate kiss to show their love and affection for each other. They knew right there that's where there meant to be for the rest of there lives.


Happy black Friday!

So, I hope you liked this.

Shine bright🌟✨💫

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