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I''m so sorry for not uploading!!!!! I meant to a few days ago but something happened and the reason I haven't been uploading since February is because of school and  I recently broke my phone, but i'm getting a new one.  I also have a surprise! See  at end  :D Enjoy!!


Katy clapped her hands to get every ones attention. She combed out her brown straight hair with her fingers and straightened her jacket. She cleared her throat. "So, In a few days we have a signing." Her light pink lips turned into a grin. "The signing will be at  Disney World!"

Everyone in the studio started to quietly whisper about the exciting trip. Katy raised her pale petite hand for everyone to be quiet. "But the bad news is not everyone is going." She said. "Only.." Everyone was on the edge of their seat to see who was going and who was staying.

"Only Blaine Anderson who plays Austin. Kurt Hummel who plays Justin. Rachel Berry who plays Ellie. Ginger Stone who plays Stephanie. Kelis Anthony who plays Kelsey Durham and Chandler Kiehl who plays Adam Baker." Katy named. "We leave on Wednesday which is in two  days."

Blaine was all excited, but was devastated because Kurt was officially ignoring him. There wasn't anything he could do. The only time Kurt talked to Blaine is when they have a scene, but Blaine sees that  there's a slight hatred in Kurt's eyes when he looks at Blaine. Blaine sighed as he looked over his part in his script.

Ginger Stone came over to him and sat in the chair next to him. Ginger has a crush on Blaine and has told him multiple times. Only to be told the same answer each time. "Ginger. I told you multiple times I'm gay."

Ginger tucked her long auburn hair behind her ears. "Hey. You look down." She said first.. "Is Kurtie  not talking to you?" She bit her pink rosy lips as she waited for Blaine's answer. Blaine looked up at her after a few minutes of silence.

"Its not funny."  He mumbled, putting down the script. "It sucks. You don't even know  the full story Ginger so fuck off." Blaine angrily said .

"Listen Blaine. I mean I do like you, but I love the friendship we have. I don't want you to throw it out the window like you did with Kurt." She started out, flipping her bangs out of her face. "Listen,  if you value something so much you have to go after it. Don't just call it quites. If you truly love Kurt. If you truly think he's the one. Go after him. Don't just sit here on your ass.  Go over there." Ginger said and placed a hand on Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine smiled and surprisingly gave Ginger a hug. "Thanks Ging." Blaine took a deep breath and got up. He headed towards Kurt. Kurt looked at him.

Blaine rolled his eyes and started walking away, but  Blaine spun him around. "What the he-" Blaine shut up up by placing his lips on his.


It sucks I know but hey its a chapter. Big things   to come. I wrote this in school on the computer. Ill write more at home. 

Im getting a bonus chapter for one more time and fearlessy and forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shine bright *****


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