Thanksgiving Part 1

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Kurt was not looking forward to thanksgiving. He had a gut feeling that something was bound to go wrong.

First they will have thanksgiving with Kurt and his relatives. Then they will drive two hours to Blaine's.

Carole was downstairs marking the thanksgiving dinner. Finn was over at Rachel's having dinner with her before coming back home. Burt was on the couch watching football. Kurt was freaking out about what on earth to wear.

"I have to be comfortable and casual but make a good impression for Blaine's folks." Kurt said to himself as he flung clothes around. An hour later, Kurt finally made a decision.

He had on a white collared dress shirt and a brown vest over it. Kurt smiled, satisfied with his look. The door bell rang and Kurt rushed downstairs to answer it.

Blaine was stood on the porch with flowers in his hands. He had on a black polo shirt with a red and white striped bowtie with a white belt and red Capri pants. His hair was slicked back.


"You look extremely hot."

Blaine smiled. "I don't want to be cheesy, but these are for you." Blaine handed Kurt the flowers.

"Thanks." Kurt kissed Blaine quickly on the lips. "Lets go inside." Kurt put the flowers in a glass vase on the dining table. The next people to arrive was Aunt Clair and Uncle Ryan with the three kids Talia, Tiffany, and Charles. Aunt Clair was Elizabeth's sister. Looks just like her.

Kurt gave his aunt a hug. "Kurtie. You've grown so much. How old are you 16 or 15..."

"I'm 18 Aunt Clair." Kurt said, cutting her off. She nodded. She walked off to where Burt and Carole was, Uncle Ryan following.

"Hey Kurt." Talia greeted. Talia and Tiffany was 14. While, Charles was 16. "I haven't seen you in forever."

"Yeah. We've missed you." Tiffany said and hugged Kurt. "Also, Congratulations with Blaine."

"Thanks." Kurt smiled as all three of them walked off to greet Burt and Carole.

"What's up with-"

"Who Charles? Yeah. We're not to fond of each other." Kurt said, cutting Blaine off. "To be honest, a lot of things happened and changed when I came out."


Blaine looked around the yard at all the kids and teens mingling together. Kurt was currently talking to his cousins Allison and John. Blaine sighed, straightening his bowtie as he went over to Kurt.

"Hey." Blaine said.

"Oh hey." Kurt gave Blaine a hug. "I'm sorry if this isn't any fun..."

"Being with you and meeting your family. Sounds fun to me." Blaine smiled.

"Lets go eat."Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and went inside.


Kurt awkwardly looked around the table at his cousins, aunts, and uncles. He could sense his Uncle Dave's eyes staring him down.

Kurt couldn't wait for this to be over and to go to Blaine's.

"So, Kurt. Who's this." Uncle Dave asked.

"This is my boyfriend Blaine Anderson." Kurt told him, taking a spoonful of mash potatoes. Uncle Dave gave them a disgusted look. Which reminded Blaine of his father.

"So Kurt, how's school going." Step-Aunt Angela asked.


Boom. Part 1

Something was suppose to happened but I just couldn't ease it in to the chapter.

But I hoped you likes it

If you want me to do a totally different chapter or something on it if your curious then comment. It has something to do with Charles and Kurt.

Shine bright🌟✨💫

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