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Kurt woke up with the feeling of excitement. He got up and took a shower. Then, he did his moisturizing routine.  He put his bag together, making sure to put the jacket neatly inside.

"Kurt! Come on!" Finn yelled from downstairs. Kurt grabbed his bag and headed downstairs.

Kurt hopped in the front seat of the car and Finn sat in the passenger seat.

Finn looked over at Kurt, noticing his happy state. "Why are you so happy."

"Its nothing." Kurt smiled as he kept focusing on the road.
"It's not that Blake kid that took you out yesterday is it, because I don't trust him one bit." Finn said.

"He makes me happy. You should at least be happy for me." Kurt said as he pulled in to the school's parking lot.

"Just be careful, he has quite a rep ans I don't want you to get hurt."

"I can worry about myself." Kurt told him as he got out of the car. He locked it as they both headed for the school's entrance.

Kurt found Blaine searching for a pencil in his locker. Kurt went over and Blaine looked at him.


"hi" Blaine said with a smirk. Kurt went into his designer by a and pulled out his jacket.

"Here." Kurt said as he handed the jacket to him.

"Thanks babe. I gotta run but see you later."  Blaine winked at Kurt as he closed his locker and walked down the hallway, putting on his jacket.

Kurt looked at him. What was Blaine doing to Kurt?


"Yo Anderson."

"Hey Puckerman." Blaine said. Blaine stepped on the cigarette he was smoking. Puck came under the bleachers The football field were Blaine was.

"What do you want with my boy Kurt?" Puck asked.

"Nothing, he's hot okay." Blaine smirked.

"Listen, hurt him and I'll beat your ass."

"And I'd you do end up doing that I'll most likely win." Blaine said as he went towards the entrance of The school. "I was in boxing and a fight club so yeah. Try to fight me."

And Blaine was disappeared in the school.



So, I hoped you liked it

I'm doing a bad job at updating.

But I hoped you likes it

Shine bright🌟✨

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