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A few days later.....

"Everything seems to be okay. Your free to go after we run two more test."The nurse said. Blaine nodded and she exited the small hospital room.

"Knock" Burt said and came in.

"Have you heard anything from Kurt yet?" Blaine asked and Burt shook his head.

"I don't know where he is. The last time I saw him was a few days ago."

"Where would he go. It's not like him to just disappear." Blaine said.

"I actually really don't know."


A few days later...

Kurt took a deep breath. He put his hood up and knocked on the door. Burt opened it.

"Kurt your back!"

"Shh."Kurt quickly shushed his dad. "Listen. No I'm not. This note explains everything this ones for blain and the others for you."Kurt said, handing him the notes. "I just came back to get. A few things and to say. I loved you and goodbye." Kurt shuffled passes his dad and went upstairs to his room. He grabbed a some clothes and some toiletries and just like that he was gone.


Big plans for the next chapters. I hoped you liked it!

Shine bright ⭐️🌟✨⚡️💫

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