Best Christmas

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9 year old Kurt sat in His bedroom looking out his window at all the snow. Thus Christmas would've been the first without his mom here with him.

Nothing in his house looked like Christmas. His dad forgot the tree. It would've been the first. Elizabeth Hummel always got the tree. Kurt sighed. He got up in his onesie and started decorating the small tree on his windowsill.

It was the closest thing to Christmas right now. Young Kurt hung his moms special perfume bottle. He always loved how she smelt. Kurt put a little golden star on top.


"I put him in a coat and drove him through a snow storm to the tree shops. It was worth it, seeing the happy look on Kurt's face." Burt finished. "Yeah, it was  the first time he smiled since Elizabeth passed."

"Dad... This is suppose to be a happy time. No tears." Kurt said and then took a sip of his hot chocolate.

"I think it's incredibly adorable." Blaine looked at Kurt and smiled. "Your adorable."

Kurt slightly smiled. "This year may be the best Christmas I've had in awhile. I'm surrounded by the people I love and people who love me."

"Wouldn't want it anyway." Burt said and hugged Carole.

"You know what we have to do?" Blaine got up.


"Sing."Blaine pulled Kurt up and spun him around.

It was true. This Christmas would be the best. Or will it?


I finally finished this chapter.

I hoped you liked it though

Lots planned. I'm currently working on a story. Prewriting chapters so it would be less stressful. Its sort of a dark but romantic story. More info later.

May come out this week!

Shine bright🌟💫✨

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