Your Past

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"Blaine. For the hundredth and one time. Get up! Where going to be late." Kaitlin said getting impatient by the minute. She sighed in frustration, getting a glass of water and pouring it over the sleeping boy.

Blaine sprung up. "What the hell!"

"We leave in twenty." Kaitlin said and walked out leaving Blaine in a wet mess.

"That's son of a-" Blaine mumbled, running a hand through his wet hair. He got up and turn the Tv on. He went into the bathroom to clean off and get dried up.

"New star sensation Kurt Hummel the star of courage that plays Justin Snow. Sits with us for an exclusive interview so we all can get to know him." The girl on the tv said.

Blaine ran out of the bedroom and looked at the tv. Kurt appeared on a couch. Along with the interviewer.

"I'm really glad to be here thanks for having me Gabby." Kurt smiled.

"So, everyone here wants to know. Are you single. Or seeing anyone?" The blonde girl-Gabby asked.

Kurt chuckled. "Actually no. I'm not but I did have someone that was so special in my life at a point, but it's over between us." Kurt sadly said.

Blaine sat down on the ottoman in front of the TV.

"Sad to here that Kurt. so you think you'll be able to date again?" Gabby asked, with a smile.

"I guess."Kurt shrugged.

"So, tell me more about your character and how he relates to you-"

Blaine was angry. Not just angry he was sad-devastated even. He wanted to cry,but also scream. He wanted to punch or throw something. Anything. His feelings were so confusing. He didn't know how he wanted to express them. So he just sat ,curled up in a ball, and cried his heart out.


Kurt walked behind the stage where his manger Katy was standing.

"That was the hardest thing to say." Kurt honestly said. Sebastian dared walking over. "I think I made a mistake to leave him."

"Oh boo hoo. Everyone has to get hurt eventually. He'll get over it." Katy said.

"Good job." Sebastian smiled and handed him flowers. "You were great."Kurt smiled.

"Thank you Seb. So you think I made a right choose to leave? What about my dad. I mean I talk to him everyday. He's still made at me though." Kurt said and Sebastian put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"thanks for being my best friend"


Burt sat in the kitchen.

"Burt honey-"

"He's 18. He made a good decision. He's said he's going to visit us." Burt said he the no emotion. "I'm proud for him."

But what Carole doesn't know is that he's been crying nonstop. It wouldn't stop once it's started.he missed his son.


Kurt sat in his chair, reading over the script. He highlighted his parts in yellow highlighter. His phone buzzed and he grabbed his iPhone.

Hope your reading for the famous lifestyle. You'll do amazing everyone already loves you . I miss you everyday and I'm really happy for you. 😥🙂

Xox your past. Go make the future happen. I'll never forget you.


Okay. Okay it's here 👌

I'm sorry I've been busy with school and what not. It like feels like spring where I am and it's winter (and it's been incredibly cold) and it soooo warm out.


I hoped you liked it though

Shine bright 🌟✨⚡️⭐️💫

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