Everything Came Crashing Down

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"Hey beautiful." Kurt said,yawning. He stepped into the kitchen where Blaine was making coffee. Blaine had bags under his eyes. He couldn't sleep very well. Or at all. His hair was a toppled mess on top of his head.

"Morning." Blaine said. He took a sip of his coffee. It's been his third in the last four hours he had been awake.

"You okay?"

Blaine sighed. "Yeah. Yeah. I just didn't get that much sleep. That's all."

Kurt walked over to Blaine and sat next to him and the kitchen counter. "That's not just nothing. Did you have a terrible dream?"

Blaine rubbed his eyes and nodded. "Yeah. It's not a big deal"

"So you want to talk about it?" Kurt asked. Blaine stared at his coffee mug. He took a drink of it and shook his head. A loose tear escaped his right eye.

"I'm here when you want to talk." Kurt kissed Blaines cheek. "Ima take a shower." Blaine nodded and Kurt went to the bathroom.

Blaine wiped his eyes as the tears started pouring down his face. "I should just lay down.." Blaine sighed. He got up, grabbing his coffee mug to put in sink. Blaine stopped mid step. His head started to pound. Blaine fell to the ground. The coffee mug shattered into pieces.

"Blaine?" Kurt came from the bedroom with just a towel. His hair was a wet mess. "BLAINE!" Kurt rushed over to Blaine. Blaine was motionless. "Blaine wake up!" Kurt ran and grabbed his phone calling 911.


"Kurt Hummel." The Doctor called out to the waiting room. Kurt immediately rushed to the doctor. "I'm Dr.Stevens."

"What happened to Blaine."

"You didn't tell you?" Dr. Stevens asked. "I feel like I'm not the one to tell you such big news. Follow me to his room." Dr.Stevens started walking down the hallway and Kurt followed him. She stopped at room 208 and gestured for Kurt to go in. "I'll let you two talk"

Kurt walked in and Blaine looked at him. "Hi."

"Hey." Kurt said. "What happened Blaine? The doctor said there's something major going on with you?"

Blaine sighed. The day he dreaded came faster then he expected.


Short chapter

I'm so sad. It's coming to an end. I just want to say how amazingly thankful I am for all of you. Your the reason why i counties to write five on here and write stories in general.

I love all of you so much. 💜💜❤️❤️

Shine bright⭐️🌟

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