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Blaine Devon Anderson punches Cooper Anderson his brother and his manager. They got into a major physical fight until a pale porcelain guy who seems like Blaine age stops them.
Blaine declared that he Indeed fired his manger. Blaine Anderson said specifically," Cooper insulted the love of my life. So, I swung at him to put him in his place. I fired him because he doesn't except me for who I am or who I love and he wanted me to pretend to be someone I'm not so I'm done with him now. I will be on a New search to find a manager."

We didn't get to interview the mysterious porcelain guy as he had left before we could. Many people have asked. Who is this guy? Could he be Blaine a lover? Could Blaine be gay? Lucikly Blaine could sit down with us and answer some questions. He did in fact confirmed that he is indeed gay and he hopes it won't effect his fans because he loves them all to much. The fans completely support him no matter what. But what was suspicious is that he completely didn't answer or say who the porcelain guy was.


"Next!" Blaine shouted as another girl came in. She was medium height with ginger hair up to her shoulders. She didn't have to much makeup on. Which complimented her natural look. She was pale medium. Her lips were a rosy shade of pink. Her eyes were a bright green. She had some freckled but not a lot. She had on a white polo shirt tucked into a burgundy skirt. Her nails were a pink shade. She had black boots on.

"Hello." Blaine greeted first. She smiled.

"Hi. My name is Kaitlyn Rogers. "She greeted back. "I've worked with a lot of big stars." She tucked a piece of ginger hair behind her ear. "I actually got usher a job to perform at times square. I can do that for you too."

"Nice. I like you already. So, tell me your plans with me."

"Well, I'd like to get you at Madison square garden in New York one day for a concert or if your on tour a tour date. I'd definitely get you Times square and also front row seats for the ball drop. Other then performances I can get you acting jobs that suit you perfectly." Kaitlyn told him.

"I'll give you a chance. You sound reliable. Your hired." Blaine smiled and Kate grinned.

"Thank you so much Blaine. You wont be disappointed."


This is just a filler chapter. But I hoped you liked it

Shine bright🌟✨💫

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