Halloween Part 2

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The whole week everyone did there Halloween numbers. Some duets and some solos. Finally it came for Rachel's party (hoping it wouldn't be a train wreck or she doesn't wear anything like the awful green dress) and everyone was excited for it too.

Rachel was Fanny Brice from the movie Funny Girl who was originally played by Barbra Streisand.

The bell rang and Rachel opened it to Brittany who was shaped like a color unicorn and Santana who was a slutty nurse.

"Oh my God Rachel, you look kinds presentable but not at the same time." Brittany said and walked downstairs with Santana, pinkies linked.

Rachel rolled her eyes. The next to arrive were Tina, Mike, and Artie. Tina was dressed as a goth cheerleader. While Mike and Artie both dressed as zombies.

"Everyone else is downstairs."Rachel politely said and watched them go downstairs. Puck was the next to arrive.

"I brought the alcohol cans." Puck said.

"Puck I told you no alcohol. We can't get drunk." Rachel told him. Puck groaned and went back to his car to put them back.

This was going to be a long party.


Blaine sang the last verse of the Halloween song. The audience's applauded loudly.
"Thank you So much for having me sing. This is literally amazing."Blaine smiled. "I also see amazing costumes- oh is that Taylor dressed as red riding hood. Nice."  Blaine waved again and quickly excited the stage. He went in to the empty room where Cooper was waiting.

"That was amazing!" Cooper exclaimed. Blaine quickly put his guitar down and took of his leather jacket. "What are you doing?"

"I have a very important party to go to." Blaine changed into a white dress top. He tied a tie around the neck and pulled a grey v-neck over his hands.

"What are you suppose to be?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Blaine asked and drew a lighting bolt on his forehead. "I'm a dork. A dork going after something he loves."

Before Cooper could respond Blaine was already out the door.


"Kurt. You were suppose to dress up."

"I'm being me. The only thing I can be. It's the only thing I'm good at." Kurt shrugged as he went downstairs with the others.

The doorbell rang and Rachel opened. A grinned appeared on her face. "Omg you made it!"

"Wouldn't miss it."

"So here." Rachel handed him a guitar. "I know how much you like serenading-"

"Thanks." Rachel was indulged in a big hug.

"I'll see you downstairs." Rachel said and went downstairs.

"I can do this."


"I can only be me!" Kurt argued  for the millionth time.

"Well, how cone you couldn't be a unicorn. Then we can be like twins or something." Brittany said.

"Wait shut it. Do you hear that?" Santana asked. Everyone was silent.,

My life is a...
series of actors changing places,
except there's no back stage
and there's no place for me.

Blaine came downstairs slowly. He had a gentle smile.

It's okay though,
the jokes on the television
make me laugh, remind me that it's okay
not to have a backstage door or place to hide.

Well I've got dinner on my plate,
got my paycheck yesterday.
How great, how cool.
I've got places, I've got Friends,
I've got Joey, Ross, and Chandler, then...
there's you.

Kurt crosses his arms and sat down in a chair. Everyone was so drawn to the performance.

And now, how, we like to say that we're in love,
doesn't it, seem like that should be enough,
but, the world will roll their eyes but I still think,
well I still think that we're in love.

Oh, shoes and jackets,
purses and tennis rackets,
make their way as they please,
in those SUVs to the country club.

Blaine finally got downstairs. His smiled widened slightly.

I don't play much,
but I do enjoy having the ball in my court,
and what's more,
I like playing, for love.

But I've got arms and you've got legs,
together we've made some mistakes.
But hey, we're doing well!

Well I've got reason to believe,
in the power of you and me to break,
this spell.

And now, how, we like to say that we're in love,
doesn't it, seem like that should be enough,
but, the world will roll their eyes but I still think,
well I still think that we're in love.

One more question:
how is this one big lesson?
I don't think that there's a quiz,
but if there is I'll be, outside;
playing in the yard,
swinging on monkey bars,
exercising my life to this recess from this lesson
that I tried, oh

But I've got arms and you've got legs,
together we've made some mistakes.
But hey, we're doing well!

Well I've got reason, to believe,
in the power of you and me to break,
this spell.

Blaine walked over to Kurt and stood in front of him. Kurts arms remained crossed.

And now, how, we like to say that we're in love,
doesn't it, seem like that should be enough,
but, the world will roll their eyes but I still think,
well I still think that we're in love.
well I still think that we're in love, love, love.
well I still think that we're in love.

Kurt looked up at Blaine. "So, you come here like a cliche movie and sing to me expecting me to say yes and we live happily ever after?"

"Well I was hoping.." Blaine said. Kurt got up and stood inches away from him. Kurt smirked. He leaned closer to Blaine. With one move their lips would touch at any given moment.

"What are you waiting for potter." Kurt whispered. Blaine leaned in and their lips touched. This was perfect. The perfect Halloween party they will never forget.


I know this took awhile. I got back from trick or treating and my hands were freezing cold.

Well the cold really bothered me anyway. Lol :P

It's a long chapter!!!!

Well I hoped you had an amazing day.

Have a spooky day👻🎃
-Mercedes aka the genie

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