Pouring Rain

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Blaine stared out of his bedroom window. It was pouring down rain. Blaine looked over at the clock that read 9:48.

Blaine grabbed his leather jacket, keys, and phone. He ran downstairs and out the door.

He started up his motorcycle and drove in the freezing rain. He drove and drove and drove instill he got to this abandoned park.

Blaine got off throwing his helmet on the wet ground. Blaine ran and hand through his wet hair. The anger started to come out but with anger there's sadness.

Blaine began yelling. He kicked one of the poles that was molding. The thing about rain is no matter how hard you cry, the rain will always cover it up.

Blaine sat down and cried, putting his head on his knees as the rain began to pur harder and harder.

Blaine finally got up after an hour. It was close to eleven. BlIne hopped on his bike, putting,g on his helmet and drove off. He wanted to make it right.

After minutes of driving he got off and walked up to a familiar house. Blaine walked up to the porch, completely soaked.

He rang the door bell and waited before a figure answered the door.

"Blaine. What are you doin-"

"I know you hate me and don't want me here but I won't leave. I'll stand here until you let me explain. I know I explained but.." Blaine rambled as tears started forming. They were clearer since He was kind of covered.

"Blaine. Come inside."

Kurt took his hand and let Blaine break down. Blaine hung onto Kurt as Kurt stroked his hair.

"I'm so sorry." Blaine mumbled as tears poured out of his hazel eyes.

"It's okay."


Hey it just rained it was joyful kinda

I dance in the rain

It made me feel better

So QOTD: Are you dating someone

I am and I've been going through something with him and my best friend that I think of as a brother

But Shine bright🌟✨

I'll tell you about what happened in the next chapter because you guys are my besties and I can tell you anything.

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