trouble with brothers

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The next day, Kurt and Blaine were laying in the bed, fully clothed.  Blaine the big spoon.

"Have I ever told you that your a geek?" Kurt turned and asked Blaine.


"Well then your such a dork." Kurt smiled. Blaine looked at the time.

"Crap. I have a show that Cooper set up for me. You can cone if you want?" Blaine said and Kurt shook his head.

"No. I'll stay here. I'll watch it in TV." Kurt smiled. Blaine looked a little confused but shrugged.

"Oh okay. Bye." Blaine gave Kurt a quick kiss before excited the room.

Kurt sighed. He hated this. He finally got him back but he really didn't get him back did he?


"Where here with Blaine Anderson! A star over night. A boy who can make all the girls scream."Taylor swift introduced the boy sitting in the chair across from here.

"It's an honor just to meet you."

"This wasn't the ideal plan I was suppose to do. I had an interview with Justin Timberlake, but that obviously changed. I'm glad I'm here to though." Taylor smiled. "So, let's talk about your music. Do you write your songs to a certain someone."

"Actually yeah. I write them for my special person."Blaine said.

"Any chance you'll be doing any acting in the future?"  Taylor asked. Blaine nodded.

"Maybe. I am actually um working on something special. I can't wait to share it with the world if all goes as planned." Blaine told her and Taylor nodded. She tucked a price of blond hair behind her ear.

"Fascinating. We can't wait to here it. Oh look at the time. It was a pleasure interviewing you Blaine." Taylor said and the camera shut off. "That was fantastic. I love doing these interviews and being interviewed." Taylor got up to hug Blaine.

"Thanks Taylor."

"No. Thank you. I'd like to stay friends." Taylor smiled.

"Ya. Totally."


"Listen. You have no business being here Kurt." Cooper said. "I said. I'll pay you to stay away."

"Listen, I just got him back. There's no way in hell that I would do that yo the man I love." Kurt said. He looked at Blaine as he came over.

"You came."

"When j specifically told him not too."Cooper muttered.

"Cooper. Hoe many times do I have to tell you-"

"You don't have to tell me. I don't care. Do you know what it'll do if people know your dating this this-"

"This what." Blaine cut Cooper off.

"This skeez."

It happened all to fast. Next thing you know was that Cooper was on the floor. Blaine was so mad he could've sworn there was steam coming out of his ears. Blaine raised his fist again.


I k now I'm late but I'm here now:D

I hoped you liked it.  I have a plan for future chapters.

Shine bright🌟✨💫

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