New Cast Member?

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Blaine hovered his thumb over the sent button on his phone. He took a deep breath and sent it.

Read 2:34 P.M

Blaine let out a huge sigh as he went into his contacts. He watched his phone for a good two minutes before hitting the delete button. I guess it was official. Kurt Hummel was officially deleted from Blaine Anderson's life.


"There's my favorite Kurt."

"Im the only Kurt you know." Kurt raised his brown eyebrow as he continued to highlight his parts in the script with yellow highlighter.

"Right." Katy said clearing her throat. "So, let's talk about courage."

"Katy. Is there something your not telling me?" Kurt asked looking up at the petite women.

"We have a new-" Katy clears her throat again before continuing." "Guest star."

"Oh really? Who."

"This was all lulus idea." Katy said.

"Out with it Katy."



"I'm just saying. Your getting fired frank okay. Hello. yes this is Lulu speaking. Please hold. Go pack your things. Hello. Yes I'm back." Lulu was on the phone.


"Please hold my new star is here." Lulu said and looked up, putting a bong strand of hair behind her ear.

"Are you sure this is okay?"

"Of course it is. Now go to wardrobe. You script is already in your dressing room." Lulu said. "Hello. Are you still there." She continued on the phone walking away.

This is really going to be interesting.


Short chapter. I know but I haven't posted in a while so here. It'll all add up. Next chapter

I hoped you liked it 😘

Shine bright ⭐️🌟✨⚡️💫🌙

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