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"Rehearsals start tomorrow at 5:00 A.M sharp." Lulu Cooper said and wrote something on her clipboard. "And- Hold on I have to take this." She hit her earpiece. "Lulu Cooper speaking."

Kurt grinned to himself, but all he could think about was how he abandoned the love of his life.


Blaine Anderson strolled through the hallway. He smirked to himself as he strode past Kurt Hummel, making sure he winked at him. Kurt rolled his eyes, but his porcelain cheeks got hot. Kurt turned to his locker and grabbed his books that he needed.


A few months later...

"Tonight will be the premiere of the new show courage. We've all been on the edge of our seats because the sneak peaks and the behind the scenes were so incredible. I'm here with Kurt Hummel, one of the main characters. He plays Justin. So, are you happy to be here?"

Kurt nodded,grinning so wide. "Yes. I'm so excited that the first episode is premiering today. Me and the rest of the cast members were working incredibly hard these past few months. With being in the studio and dancing rehearsals. I can fairly say I lost some pounds." The news reporter laughed.

"Your funny and cute. I can surely say everyone watching agrees."

"Ha...but yeah. It's incredibly special." Kurt nodded his head.

"Anyone you want to shout out?"She asked.

Kurt nodded. "Well, for one. I'd like to thank my dad. Even after everything he's been through he's still here with me. He encourages me to do my best because I'd hate to ever disappoint him. I'd like to thank all my friends back in Lima,Ohio for supporting me. And I'd like to thank my best friend Sebastian Smyth for getting me this and helping me through everything I've been through." Kurt said and smiled in the camera. "And I'd like to thank you guys for supporting me. You guys are the best and I love you."


Blaine watched the tv from his dressing room. He wiped his eyes. He did it. He followed his dreams.

"Please don't forget about me." Blaine whispered going up to the tv. Kurt wore a grin on his porcelain face. His hair to a perfect coif. Blaine touched the tv with his olive hand and close his eyes.



"Snow...I mean Justin. Don't let them get to you." Ellie smiled at her best friend. Justin sighed.

"Saying everything will be alright doesn't mean it will be alright, Ell."Justin picked up his last book off the ground. "Words are just words until you make it into something."

"Why can't we do something. Where in high school for crying out loud." Ellie flipped her brunette hair out of her face. "Listen. If you can't take my advice. Find someone who you'll actually listen too. I love you and all but I really don't know what do to with you at this point." She shrugged and slipped off.

"That's why our friendship works!" Justin called after her. He sighed and thought about what she said.

--- Commercial break



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