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Blaine took a deep breath and let it out.

"Blaine?" Kurt took a seat next to Blaine's hospital bed. He held his hand. "What's going on."

Blaine wiped the tears that formed in his eyes. "I've been diagnosed with glioblastoma. Which is brain cancer."Blaine looked at his lap.

"How-how long have you've known?" Kurt asked, looking at Blaine.

"A-A few months..or a year. I'm not completely sure." Blaine said. The tears that Blaine tried to prevent from falling fell like a waterfall.


A year ago. November 10

Blaine vomited in the closest trash can in the doctors office. He wiped his mouth and stumbled back to the bed.

Doctor Eliza wrote on a paper. "I'll be right back. I have to run some tests." She said. A few minutes later she came and ran the test on Blaine. "I don't know how to say this.." She said looking at Blaine then the papers she held in her hand. "You were diagnosed with Glioblastoma-brain cancer. Unfortunately, we found it to late."

"Wait. Are you sure?"

"Yes. You show most of the symptoms and the test we got back was positive."

"And what the hell are symptoms?" Blaine asked.

"Well, vomiting. Trouble walking. Pain on one side..I'm sorry Blaine. You don't have much time."

"Are you fucking kidding me? There's nothing you can do?" Blaine asked, outraged.

"No.. All we can do is wait..."


"What do you mean?" Kurt asked. "I don't want you to leave me. Please? You can't. I won't loose you again." Tears poured out Kurt's eyes.

"I'm sorry.." Blaine screeched out. "I'm so sorry Kurt.." Blaine said, clear pain in his voice. Blaine scoot over some so Kurt can crawl onto the bed. Kurt snuggled his head into Blaine's neck. That's how they both fell asleep.


What you think is going to happen isn't. Or may.

I'm so sorry to put your threw this.

Im at Disney world whoop

Props to whoever guesses where I got Glioblastoma

Shine bright 🌟⭐️

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