Always get what I want

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"Don't forget. The assignment is to do sing something a little different. Different from your usual style." Mr. Shue reminded as everyone started to walk out.

Kurt was the last to leave the choir room. He walked past the boys locker room hearing sounds. It was four. Everyone should have left already. He wen in to find Blaine boxing. Kurt walked closer.

"What are you still doing here?" Kurt asked. "Schools over. Shouldn't you be at a party like you always are?" Blaine ignored him and kept on boxing. "Hey! I am talking to you. That's rude."

"Don't act all surprise." Blaine said, still boxing.

"What is your problem?"

Blaine breathed in and stopped what he was doing. Blaine answered furiously. "Since I came here . You gave me nothing, but shit!"

"I'm sorry, but your not my type!"

"What is your problem with me anyway?" Blaine asked, still furiously mad.

"You sell yourself out. Your just a scared little boy who doesn't care about himself as much as you should." Kurt said. Blaine did a sarcastic laugh as Kurt walked out of the locker room. Blaine wiped his face off with a towel.


The next day, Blaine walked through the halls. His tight white shirt and his leather jacket on top. He stopped at Kurt's locker and started pulling him to the astronomy room. No one goes there usually.

"Get off." Kurt wined as Blaine pulled him into the classroom. Kurt pulled his arm away from Blaine's grip. "What now?"

"Your right. Im sorry about the way I've been acting. I've been being a shifty person, but that's how I am. I don't know it's different for you. I really like you."Blaine said. Kurt's cheeks became hot.


Blaine smirked. Always get what I want. "See you later Hummel."

Blaine walked out as Kurt stared at him.


I hoped you liked it:D 

I really miss glee so much...

QOTD: favorite color

Answer: Purple💜💜💜

Shine bright🌟✨

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