What's good onrobyn

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Robyn Rihanna fenty p.o.v

I woke up around 10:00 in the morning. Last night was so crazy . My head started to hurt. I feel like i had a hangover. I walked into the bathroom and took some advil and I was good to go. Before I did anything I took a shower. I stood in the shower mostly thinking. Why is life so confusing , i thought to myself , as soon as i got out the shower i put on my clothes (multimedia). Before i went out for breakfast i knocked on Nicki's door. She answered with just her robe on. Why does this girl never have on clothes when i come see her. I was just staring at her . looking at how fitted her body is especially with this robe on.

"see something you like?" she asked

I smiled "um i'm about to go eat you want something ?" i asked

"I want to come with you, i have to do alot today anyway "

"well ,get dressed you got 6 minutes or else im pulling off without you" i said as i walked out

Onika Tanya Maraj

I did as i was told. I don't know why robyn feels as she has control over me , I'm still the baddest bitch no one can control me. I control everyone else , and i'll be downstairs in 10 minutes ,she doesnt tell me what to do. 10 minutes later I made it downstairs and robyn was no where to be found . " no this hoe didn't ". I called her on my phone and she answred on the first ring.

"whats up?"she said

"whatchu mean whats up you left me here , get back here now"

"um who are you? you not my mom , i told your ass to be downstairs in 6 minutes and you took longer than that so i left" she said

"Robyn , how many times i gotta tell you im a bad bitch , and secondly you not my daddy , you can't expect me to be ready in 6 minutes please come back!" i said getting annoyed

"ugh , fine and your ass better be out here in the next 30 seconds, and lastly , I will be your daddy " she said

I hung up in her ear and ran outside . Did she just say she gonna be my daddy? Whatever. She was parked right in front of the hotel. I slammed the door and put my purse down and cross my arms.

"now she got a damn attitude" I heard her mumble


Robyn was just on her calculator putting in numbers trying to add something. "what are you trying to figure out ?!" i shouted

"IM TRYING TO CALCULATE WHO TF YOU THINK YOU TALKING TO, CAUSE I KNOW IT'S NOT ME !" i rolled my eyes at her. The whole car ride was silent . Until I apologized before we hit our first destination .At first we went to crispy creme and got some donuts , then went to the staple center and had our makeup hair, and outfits on for our nominations and performance to 'raining men'. This year's host was kylie and kendall jenner .

"These 2 women are an inspiration to music today , one is known as the queen of rap and the other is known as a bad gal, please give it up for nicki minaj and rihanna." said kendall jenner

Robyn Rihanna Fenty p.o.v

As the music starts me and Nicki did our opening poses and started walking around and dancing . When it came to the lap dancing part , i swirled around the chair and sat down . Nicki did her normal routine and the crowd loved it. She crawled in between my legs while i was singing. She turned around and started rapping and twerking on my lap. The crowd started going crazy , while me and nicki were laughing.Then out of no where nicki started grinding on my lap. It was odd because we never rehearsed that. Just when the song was finishing up we were walking to the front of the stage posing .The crowd started cheering and everything. After we finish that we had to change into our nomination outfits. Me and nicki sat right next to each other taking pictures and talking .

"The nominees for best female artist are, Megan Trainor, Nicki Minaj, Taylor swift , and Ariana Grande." Said Kylie

Me and Nicki froze , anticipating that She won . "and the winner is... "Nicki MInaj!"

I jumped hella high out of my seat , me and nicki went to the stage as she accepts her award i seen her facial expression change. uh oh this can't be good. just as she was finishing her speech she says "now back to , this bitch that had alot to say about me in the press, miley , whats good?" As soon as she said that my eyes widened i grabbed Nicki by the arm and took her backstage.

"what the fuck was that?" i asked pissed

"she was talking shit to the press, like whats good with her? "Nicki said clearly not caring.

"Ok well , you can't be talking to her like that , I know she has absolutely no conscious, and neither do you, considering that reckless ass mouth!! Ok I'm gonna be your conscious from now on! Don't do this again Nika" I yelled

Onika Tanya Maraj
I just started at Robyn with a blank face , I really do understand where's she coming from but at the same time you shouldn't be scared to say what needs to be heard . I'm tired of being professional all the damn time . Shits exhausting. But I just listened to what she said and kept it at that . I didn't want to argue with her.

As me and Robyn took our seats all the attention was reverted back to us. To avoid eye contact , I scrolled down on Instagram and saw all the "Miley what's good memes" they were actually funny . I saw beyonce even repost one . I guess Robyn noisy ass was looking through my phone and laughing too.

Later when the whole show ended , Rihanna dropped us back to the hotel . Before we went to celebrate my win, we bought some moscatos , including mine , and went to my hotel room.

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