One call thats all😂

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Nicki p.o.v

After I've somehow came back to the hospital , I resumed sitting and waiting for someone to call Robyns name. Later I became impatient and I just walked to her room. She was wide-awake on her bed with cords plugged into her. I quickly ran by her side and basically jumped on her.

"Baby are you ok?!" I asked her

" nah don't baby me, I heard you was with drake while my ass was unconscious." She said shoving me .

" babe, I just want to love you, and I'm very very sorry ...I-still can't believe... I did THAT!" I said pointing to her neck.

"Don't sweat it , it's cool... for now but, I deserved it " Robyn sighed .

no you don't ,you don't deserve it , I was being completely irrational and rude -and I just took my anger out on you I can't believe I did that"

"it's fine , well Ugh can you please hurry up and sign me out of here because hospitals are kind of depressing."

"Oh yeah , I'll be right back " I said before I kissed Robyn and walked to the front desk .

Robyn p.o.v

Something's wrong with Nicki , she's kind of shaken up a bit , maybe it's because of that rough sex, almost killing you kind of thing or what . It's funny though , because she said she hated me , but yet she was making love to me... weird.

Later she came back with release papers and my medication papers. After that we left , by the time we came back to the house it was 11:30 . Nicki was still kind of distant from me. She was on the couch watching TV curled up in a ball.

"Lioness? Are you ok?" I asked her.

"Yeah-yeah , I'm fine " she said so unsurly

"If you're still upset about the thing that happened a couple of hours ago, it's ok."

"No, it's not that "

" then why are you upset ma? "

"I'm not babe I promise" Nicki said lying straight through her teeth.

"Nicki i'm not going to ask you one more time tell me or I'll get it out of you!" I began to get frustrated,

"I don't want you to be stressed daddy , come let me give you a massage." I said urging her to come onto the couch.

"The only thing that's going to stress me out is if you don't tell me what's wrong"

"Robyn please don't make me.."

" come on Nic, what could be so bad that you too afraid to tell me. "


Ky face began to turn bright red .

"Wha haupem, he nah hav sense to put him hands pon my girl? And tink him gwan get loose wit it , gwan getcha rasclat in mi cyar, uh nuh!" I said reverting back to my native tongue.
(Translation: what happened ? He doesn't have any sense to put his hands on my girl? And he thinks he's going to get away with it ? Go and get your ass in my car , right now !)

"Cheese and peas fada loose mi, mi comin, mi hop in a de cyar!" Nicki said reverting back with me .

(Translation: oh my gosh daddy , let me go, I'm coming! I'm in the car !")

I stopped for a moment . My heart started pumping really fast and my head began to pound. I slowly fell by the doorframe .

Nicki came running by my side with ease. For a moment everything went in slow motion.

Nicki p.o.v

I turned around and before I knew it Robyn was dizzy. She was walking side to side and out of balance .

"Robyn?" I said walking towards her. She fell slowly on the side of the door frame . I ran to her side. She started wearing bullets and her head kept shaking . Soon her eyes began to close. I started panting .

"Robyn !! Robyn look at me ok babes!" I ran downstairs and grabbed a wash cloth , some water , and  her pills . I wiped her face with the washcloth, and fed her a pill and made her gulp it down with water. Within seconds she was up and running .

"Thank you lioness" she said barely able to smile .

"No problem daddy , now can we please stay here and not worry about what just happened.?"

Robyn p.o.v

"Of course princess" I said . My mind was saying the total opposite. Has she met me ? Since when the hell am I gonna let this shit go. Hahaha , she's wild.

I walked to the bed and clicked the remote . My neck brace made me feel weak. I tried taking it off but nicki would only put it back on .

" you know I'm not a baby , right nick"

"Your my baby robs."

"Haha you got jokes , but for real I don't need this shit !" I yelled while she was in the bathroom , putting on her night clothes.

"Yes, you do , I have to follow the doctors orders ok babe , I don't want you to get even more hurt !just stay there and I'll help you put on your night clothes." Said Nicki

"Babe I don't need help I got this !" I said standing up

"Really then ! So you can take off that long gown all by yourself with absolutely no help at all?" Nicki said folding her arms.

"Yep that's right see!" I said trying to take off my gown, but it just sat in my neck. I heard Nicki cackling in the background .

"Shit your hyena ass up and help me take this shit off!" I demanded

"Well apparently you don't need me to take it off, if your cursing at me. " Nicki said. She turned off both the lights in the bathroom and the bedroom. She laid on the bed and told me goodnight.

"Nicki get up and help me please!!!😩😩" I said while whining.

" haha look who's the baby now " she said removing the gown from my head.

"Yeah , yeah whatever!"

"It probably couldn't get through with ya Big ass head anyway ." She snarled.

"Fuck you !"

"If I was you I wouldn't do that again, hate to BREAK it to you , but last time we did , I BROKE, ya neck." Nicki said once again snarling .

"Hmm you're right , maybe I should sleep in the guest room ." I said being sneaky.

" daddy you know I like to cuddle don't play with meeeeeee😩😩

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