Hospital OnRobyn

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Robyn Rihanna Fenty p.o.v

As I was sitting in complete silence in the waiting room , a couple of thoughts dawned upon me . What if she doesn't wake up . What if she hates me . What if -. I've gotten cut off by the sound of a doctor .

"Will the family of Onika Tanya Maraj stand up . "

I was the only one standing , in fact I was the only one here . I walked towards the doctor . She had a worried look on her face . I examined her facial expression carefully , to see what happened to lioness .

"I have recently called the rest of the family , including her boyfriend , they should be here in a couple of mi-"

"Chop chop , mi nuh cyare , !" I rushed , letting my accent get the best of me . I really didn't care who , are when the family is getting here I just want to know if she's ok.

" oh , uh sorry .. we gave her some treatment and she's responding really well to it . Although..."  she trailed off .

"ALTHOUGH?!" I questioned.   .

" she may experience amnesia, the landing she took , cracked a small part of her cranium .  Would you like to see x rays ?"

"No , im fine , so she'll won't remember me ?"

She nodded her head "no". I walked towards her room, to see a resting Onika . I sat by the chair next to her .

No! This can't be happening ! I've been trying to get better ...and this happens? Why ??? She had something that no other girl had . A .. a spark!! And now it's all gone . Why is it that everyone can have true love except me ! Yeah , that's right , I said it TRUE LOVE ! A tear escaped from my eye .

"I love you so much onika ! I wish I hadn't messed up ! Roman , Barbie , Ninja , Martha , please don't die on me , please remember who I am ." I grabbed Nicki's hand and kissed her knuckles . One of my tears dropped on her knuckles .

In a heartbeat, the heart monitor went off. A deep breathe escaped from Nicki's lips . She made a slight turn towards me and yanked her knuckles away .

I looked at her deep in her confused and puzzled brown eyes . It's hard for me not to fall in love again .

"Why are you so upset ?" She asked me .

"Because , you probably aren't going to remember me , although it's going to be hard for me to forget you , I just want you to know before , I leave that you made a huge impact on me , " I simply replied

"Awe , I do remember you .. . Robyn Rihanna Fenty , my loveeeeeeee" she chuckled .

"Nicki !!" I screeched before I embraced her into a big hug . She kept cheesing and chuckling .

It wasn't long before we were staring at each other . Deep in those brown crystal like , glistening eyes , I seen a reflection of me . I know she felt the same in my green orbs . She cuffed my face and we shared a consuming kiss . Our tongues wrestled for mastery . Oblivious to the various amount of lipstick stains on my chin , I won .

The doctor soon walked in and we swiftly separated from each other . She called my name and offered to talk to me in the hallway .

" According to the x ray and paperwork , she has mild amnesia , she doesn't remember anything that has happened in the past week , since you're the only one here for her , she has to stay with you , she's obviously more familiar with you , would that be a problem ?" She asked me .

I couldn't help but blush , her being with me , for a while , would mean everything to me !
"There's no problem , I would be happy to do so .. " I replied with so much confidence.

The doctor walked out and this nigga meek walked in . I didn't do nothing but mean mug him as he walked in . I had my foot pushed out stretching , my legs and he tripped .

"Excuse you nigga !" I snapped ,

"Ooouuu , my fault " he said

He walked to Nicki and well.. this happened .

Onika Tanya Maraj p.o.v

I was admiring Robyn's face as , THE Meek Mill walked in my room .

"Hey baby girl how you holdin' up ?" He asked me , in his deep voice .

"Oh , my goodness , Meek mill , what are you doing here ? Robyn did you call him here ?" I asked getting excited .

He looked so confused . The
"Stop playing Nic, we just had a date yesterday in Miami " he replied

"Miami , I thought I was still in La ., where am I and what happened?"

The doctor came in and talked to Meek . It looked like he had an understanding of some sort . I'm still confused as to what happened so I asked Robyn for some clarification .

She explained every single thing , that happened to me this week , this was hell of a week . Apparently I go out with Meek Mill. I wonder what that means ...

Moments later , I was released from the hospital and I have been given medications . Mainly painkillers , they have been giving me . Other than that I was good to go.

Robyn and I traveled back to L.A in her private jet . Around 3 in the morning we arrived at her house. I walked in and instantly felt arms wrap around my waist . It was Robyn .

"It's good to have you back home babe !" She whispered in my ear . Her breathe felt nice and warm on my neck . It sent chills down my spine .

"Oouuu , yes " I said getting too excited

"You like that ?" She asked kissing my neck .


She grabbed my bags and tossed them on the floor . She turned me around and started kissing me while walking towards . I had no choice but to back up . Without breaking out of the kiss she closed the door with her hind legs and pushed me onto the nearest couch.

Still in the moment she layer me down and took off my shirt . Exposing my pure DD breasts. We resumed kissing , instead of a passionate kiss , it was lustful . I reversed our positions , to where she was now on her back on the couch . Within seconds she unbottoned and unzipped my pants .

Without breaking the kiss she got her right hand and ....


That's what you hoes get for not leaving enough comments. ..😂😂 but Frfr

Can I get like 5 comment on this chapter for me to keep going and ... about 5 votes

That's the toll.

Mwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahastill got them tricks up my sleeve .

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