Stay OnRobyn

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Nicki p.o.v

Once me and bey got to the beach house we didn't bother to bathe , we felt Clean and cleansed enough. I just found the dress Robyn wanted me to put on and straightened my hair. Hopefully she's taking me out to dinner . I'm really hungry. 10 minutes after we were done getting dressed , there was another knock on the door.  I went downstairs and answered it.

"hello? " I answered

"Hello , ms minaj , I'm here to escort you to dinner "

"Mikky ! ??" I questioned

"Yea it's me . Hahaha , seriously I have to escort you and beyonce to dinner , so let's go in the limo outside" he said walking away from the door .

"Bey come on time for dinner !" I yelled from downstairs . I followed after Mikky and sat patiently waiting for Bey. When she finally came to the limo she had a big ass grin on her face.

"What you all happy about ?" I asked her

"We have an additional person coming with us ! She said while cheesing hella hard .

" Really , I bet it's that man from the beach lesson today !" I said rolling my eyes.

Just then her grinned turned into a full blown conversation about Micheal.

"Nicki he's amazing , his eyes are like beautiful blue waves crashing into my heart , and his smile , oh his fantastic million dollar smile ; ooh and don't get me started on his chisel chin. You can cut a finger with those . And he--"

"Slow down bey , do you even know what his interest are, do you know his likes and dislikes , before you have a full blown fantasy in your head , I want you to actually get to know him, instead of staring at him. I mean yeah he's eye candy and all but, that can only last for so long . Get to know him bey .."

"You're right Nicki but , i know you're not giving me advice and you still haven't took mine. Look at all what Rih has done for you so far . It's like a dream . And you still don't forgive her?"

"Uh uh don't try to put the blame on me now , we was talking about you! Besides you can't just buy happiness and forgiveness , you have to earn it! She needs to earn it ,  yeah this is a lot and it's amazing but you just can't buy me . It's really hard to impress me . "

Sure, I guess ! But I still think you should consider my awesome advice !" Bey said
With that we finally arrived at our destination . It's not like any other restaurant , it's not even a restaurant, it looks like an old theatre . I don't know why I love old theaters , they're just fascinating to me. We followed Mikky inside. It was amazing !!

I looked around and there was Micheal with his mouth open

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I looked around and there was Micheal with his mouth open .

Beyonce p.o.v

I walked in the theater behind Nicki and she was amazed . I was just looking at her and taking pictures with the camera Robyn gave us . Mikky came behind me and whispered what was going to happen tonight . I gasped. Robyn is doing this all for her and she still has a bitch ass attitude . What a shame . This was so romantic . I kept walking and my eyes met at the midpoint of Michaels . A huge smiled tried to sprout on my face but , I wasn't going to give in that easily. I ran up to him and hugged him. As he lifted me off the ground he twirls me in the air .

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