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Nicki p.o.v

I woke up from my nap. I found myself downstairs with this nasty aroma stuck in the air. Robyn popped a squat right next to me . I could smell the same aroma on her breath. It then hit me ... this nasty smell... this smell I smelled for years ... the smell that reminds me of my childhood. Robyn snapped me out of my thoughts .

"Lioness!" She slightly shouted .

I swiftly got up from the couch . She looked at me with a puzzled face .

"Robyn do not smoke that shit in this house !"I yelled .

I don't know , it seemed like something just came over me . I was extremely angry. I hated that smell. It bought back painful, and horrible child memories .

Robyn then stood up, towering over me .

"Haha, for a moment I thought you said stop smoking this shit in this house " Robyn joked.

I gave her a serious look and she returned the favor by giving me one .

"Who the hell do you think you are telling me not to smoke my shit in my house ?! I do what ever the fuck I want !" She spat . She sat back down on the couch with her arm crossed .

Here she goes with that snappy attitude , now it's my job to fix it ... ugh! I sat next to her and put my legs over hers and nuzzled my neck in her chin. I wrapped my arm on her torso.

"Robyn ?" I said . She didn't answer , her arms were still crossed .

"Robyn " I called for her again , she still had an attitude.

"Robyn , please , I'm sorry just don't smoke please , I lost a lot of people in my family from drugs , I don't want to lose you just please stop" I said.

I started to reflect back on the many relatives and family members I lost from smoking . The first to go was my father.


I remember when I was just 7 years old . I was outside playing soccer with my friends thembi and titi . I was winning of course . My father was cheering me on. "Go Onika, Go Onika !" I heard both my parents chant . I smiled back at them and winked. I seen thembi trying to take the ball and kick it into my goal.i kicked it out of her embrace and towards my goal. "Yes, that's my babygirl" said my father. He inhaled the smoke and blew it out with his nose. "Ok, ok , let's take a picture with the soccer players , then we can go inside and eat pizza" said my mother . Before we took the picture, my dad came next to me and gave me the tightest hug , I could have ever imagined. Everyone all gathered for the picture. "Alrightx 1..2..3.. everyone say cheese " said my aunty . "Cheese "we all shouted. A loud thump hit the floor. Everyone turned around and it was my dad. The man that truly made me feel like a princess ... on the floor with his eyes wide open and his body paralyzed.

Flashback over

A tear escaped from my eye lids and Robyn slowly but surely wiped them off.

"You ok ?" She asked me .

"Yeah, yeah" I stuttered wiping the crescent tear from my cheek.

"Just please don't smoke Robyn , please I don't want to lose any one else important to me ..." I walked off going upstairs .

Robyn chased after me . I figured she would .

"Hey what's wrong ?" She asked

"Nothing , but I recall you had something you had to tell me ." I said smirking changing the subject .

"Erm- I don't. Recall" she said scrap Ching her neck .

"It all comes down to this , what have you been hiding from me ?"

" oooouuuu😬😬 ok so what had happened was -"

"Cut the bullshit Robyn and just tell me!"

"Damn nigga ok , hold ya horses , ok so ... Nika , listen , in in soo much trouble , I don't want to tell you because it can potentially put you at risk , all I can tell you is , I've made mistakes and I've taken people's lives ... "


"I mean yo-"



I straddled Robyns legs and gave her a hug. Another tear peeped from my eyes and I wiped them off.

"I don't want to lose you , just -I just don't know what to do .. what's gonna happen if you die- I wouldn't know how to live .i just nee-"

Robyn interrupted me with a deep sentimental kiss. Her tongue slipped into my mouth. I sucked on it softly. Her lips were so soft . Her hands went down to my hips. A few seconds later she pulled away.

"I don't want my princess thinking about , what will happen to me . Enjoy me while I'm here. Ok?" She asked me lifting my chin to meet her eyes. I nodded and gave her another hug . This time I hugged her neck and laid my head on her shoulder.

"Nicki , were going to Canada 🇨🇦 two weeks from now , pack your bags ok?" Robyn said while rubbing my back up and down.

"Ok " I mumbled before getting off her lap.



I know you guys hate me . School has been kicking my ass . But I hope everyone had an amazing Halloween comment what you was for Halloween .. 😄

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