2 girls OnRobyn

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Onika Tanya Maraj p.o.v

I went backstage and seen the two young girls arguing with security.

"Sir , I'm telling you Beyonce ' told us to meet her and Nicki Minaj back stage !" Said the lightskin girl.

I walked up to my security guard .

"Yeah security Hopkins , they're with us " I said

"Oh my gosh you're Nicki minaj !" The darkskin girl said

"I am ,? hmm I haven't noticed !" I joked . I motioned them towards my dressing room.

"Be comfortable , sit anywhere you want " i said motioning them towards the coach . They sat down extremely close together .

" there's a lot more room on the couch . "  i said

"No , it's fine , i can't separate from her ." The light skinned girl said . That was kind of weird but who am I to judge.

"So tell me about yourselves!"

Corey"Well my name is Corey , and I'm 19

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"Well my name is Corey , and I'm 19.  My favorite color is purple. I have a job . I'm a Victoria secrets model. Umm ,I'm a really huge fan .. obviously . And my long term goal is to have my own boutique in 7 different locations worldwide . I graduated high school with honors .

Jasmine Hi, my name is jasmine , I'm 16 , still in high school , sadly

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Hi, my name is jasmine , I'm 16 , still in high school , sadly . As of right now I'm in the 11th grade but I also take college courses. So I guess technically I would be in college . My favorite color is pink , just like you . I love warm walks on the beach in the day . And walking down the strip on a winters night and my long term goal is to become an actress .

"Wow ! 2 beautiful , and smart black girls ! I love it , so so you guys have a boyfriend ?"  They both said no .

"Good because y'all don't need to be depending on these dry lips ass snort nose ass boys anyway. " I joked . They looked at each other and laugh .

"Do you guys know each other ?" I asked . They both nodded .

"So , are you guys , cousins , best friends .. or ..?"

"No , she's my girlfriend " said Corey with a smile . She pecked jasmine on the lips . Jasmine blushed a little and looked at me.

"Awe , how cute !" I said  blushing.

"Didn't you and Rihanna date for a while Nicki Minaj" asked jasmine

"No , we didn't , people just thought we did , and please just call me Nicki , it's fine , I won't rip your face off !" I laughed and they joined me .

"So what's your zodiac signs ?"

"I'm a Sagittarius and Jasmine is a libra " said Corey .

"I mean Sagittarius does it best , what's really good ?!"I smirked . They smirked as well.

" so how long have you guys officially been together ? "

"We've been together for about 2 years !" Exclaimed jasmine .

"Wow ! How do you guys do it ?" I asked being hella curious

"I mean , it's a lot of work , I guess , you have to be calm and rational most of the times , but it's worth it because I bring out the best in her and she brings out the best in me !" Said jasmine

"Awe babe , I love you too! Give me a kiss "said Corey .

"Not with them dry ass lips "said jasmine . I almost spit my water out laughing .

"Jasmine why are you so mean ?!" I said still trying to swallow my left over water

"I don't know it's just apparent in me !"  Said jasmine .

"Well, well , well , if it isn't Ms. Nicki Minaj " a voice boomed through the room.

"Yes it's me in the flesh , there's also this thing called knocking you should try it !" I yelled not turning around to see who it was.

Just then I heard jasmine whisper something and burry her head in her hand looking at the burly figure . I turned around and there it stood Meek Mill.

He has been my celebrity crush since forever . He licked his full plump lips . They were as luscious as seen on tv . I turned around and jasmine stood up and walked towards him and gave him a hug.

"Sorry , Nicki , I just came to get my Daughter and he girlfriend we'll be out of your hair and out of your way . "

Beyonce then walked in with sweat beating down her face .

"Awe , they have to go already , i didn't even get a chance to talk to them !" Beyonce whined

"Yes they have to go , my daughter has school first thing in the morning , goodnight ladies ! " meek started walking off , but Beyonce pulled him back .

"Wait ! Here , I'm giving you free tickets to our next performance in Miami , next week Friday ." Bey said giving him tickets . He nodded then walked towards the door . I watched him leave . Bey saw me and started grinning .

"Ohh, Nicki got a crushhhhh! " bey teased

"Yeah , whatever! Let's go get something to eat , I'm hungry!"

"More like thirsty !" Bey said smiling at me.

Micheal came to my dressing room and wrapped his hands around beys waist. He started kissing her on her , now slanted neck. She moaned a little and bit her lip.

"Eww, get a cave you wild animals !"  I said .

Micheal grabbed her waist and pulled her out of my dressing room. I closed the door to my dressing room and got dressed in some casual clothes.

I just sat there thinking about jasmine and Corey . They are a very interesting couple . It's adorable. The fact that Meek mill is her dad kind of interests me even more.

I left my room and asked the limo driver to drop me off at my hotel . When I got into my suite , Carlos was there ,preparing some island food . GREAT!! Just the person I wanted to talk to .

I swear he's always there when I need him especially , right now . I went towards him and he embraced me with the biggest hug known to men.

"How are you Onika , come ! I made you some jerk chicken "he said

I quickly rushed to the table and dug straight in.

" so how was your first tour with beyonce ?!!!!!!!!"
He asked very enthused

"It was amazing , I even met these 2 lesbian girls , their names were jasmine and Corey . They were so cute but guess what ?! Meek Mill is jasmines father ! It was too much ! I just need to sleep on this !" I said sounding stress .

"Nah you need to sleep on him !" Carlos whispered.

I laughed ."fuck you carlos !! After I'm done eating I'm going to sleep so get ready to be kicked out "

"alright okay Nicki, I'm leaving in 5 minutes"

I nodded and continued eating.

Whaaaaaaat is with Nicki
Should Nicki and Meek get together start a debate war in the comments

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